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Presentation on theme: "CLEANAP CLEANS UP: INCLUSIVE PLACE-KEEPING IN NAPLES, ITALY 2012 Krusevo Youth Conference 23.09.2012 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLEANAP CLEANS UP: INCLUSIVE PLACE-KEEPING IN NAPLES, ITALY 2012 Krusevo Youth Conference 23.09.2012 1

2 Introducing myself 2  Andrea Varriale  Master’s thesis on public spaces (e.g. gardens, squares, pedestrian areas) in Naples, Italy.

3 Outline  The issue(s) of Naples  CleaNap as guerrilla gardening  CleaNap as manager of a «smart city» project  CleaNap as a youth organisation?  Conclusions 3

4 The problems 4  Youth unemployment (age 15-24) in Naples is extremely high: 79%.  Italy: 39,5%; Macedonia: 52,5%.  Densely inhabited (8.100/km²)  Skopje 890/km²; Belgrade 3.541/km²

5 The Problems 5  Dysfunctional transport system)  «Last mile problem»  Dirt

6 CleaNap  Born in 2011, during (yet another) garbage crisis and in the «hot climate» of municipal elections.  Upsurge in civic movements  Different initiatives (guerrilla gardening, recycling, bike-sharing).  The philosophy behind all the initiatives:  Increase the quality of life in Naples  Spread a sense of responsibility for the city  Involving neighbourhoods 6

7 CleaNap: Guerrilla gardening  Concrete problems:  Neglected public spaces  Lack of civicness, little sense of responsibility  The initiative:  Choose a place and coordinate actions (mainly via a Facebook page)  Do the «attack» 7

8 CleaNap: Guerrilla gardening 8  Video  Success and failure  Sometimes dwellers or visitors do not «pick up» the spirit of the initiative (everything goes back to normal).

9 CleaNap with Bike sharing  Will start in March 2013  Network of 24 bike sheds  200 bikes  Won a «Smart City and Communities» contest  80% of costs covered  20% crowdfunding 9

10 CleaNap as a youth strategist  Defining youth organisation:  Age of participants and of beneficiaries  Usage of social media  CleaNap is a bottom-up, a-political, and entirely «civic-oriented» association.  No policies, but initiatives.  CleaNap does not even aim to be a youth organisation! But… 10

11 CleaNap as a Youth Strategist  …it is in practice a youth organisation since:  Its members and most of the volunteers are young people The funding for «smart cities» is limited to applicants under 30 years old  Makes large use of social media to coordinate initiatives.  Bike-sharing app for smartphones 11

12 12 Thank you

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