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Sputnik 1 October 1957 What’s That? Here’s a Clue Introducing Inquiry Teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "Sputnik 1 October 1957 What’s That? Here’s a Clue Introducing Inquiry Teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sputnik 1 October 1957 What’s That? Here’s a Clue Introducing Inquiry Teaching

2 Sputnik 1 “Fellow Traveler” October 1957

3 National Defense Education Act “Alphabet Soup Programs” Science A Process Approach (SAPA) Earth Science Curriculum Project (ESCP) Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS) Science Curriculum Improvement Study (SCIS)

4 Robert Karplus & Herbert Thier 1959 Learning Cycle

5 Exploration Introduction Application

6 Learning Cycle Exploration Introduction Application Engagement Evaluation

7 Exploration Introduction Application Engagement Evaluation Explanation Elaboration

8 5-E Learning Cycle Exploration Engagement Evaluation Explanation Elaboration Bybee & Trowbridge BSCS

9 5-E Learning Cycle Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate 1.General Syntax: “I was just thinking about… And that leads to the question; …?” 2.Builds Relevance Personal connection (This is about you/your world.) Vividness (Cool! Let’s take a closer look at that!) Intrigue (Well, that gives us a puzzle to solve!) Novelty (We haven’t seen that before, let’s explore it) 3. Elicit student prior knowledge about the topic

10 5-E Learning Cycle Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate 1.Uses “Science Processes” a.k.a. “Process Skills” 2.Models the “Nature of Science” Reliance on evidence Physical causes for events Uniform change 3.Allows learner some control over ideas generated 4. May be structured

11 5-E Learning Cycle Engage Explore 4. May be structured POE—”Predict, Observe, Explain” (PEEL Project) 5-Star Model—AIMS Education Foundation

12 5-E Learning Cycle Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate 1.Student evidence and new/forming ideas are elicited Record keeping & communication are part of science 2.Language is attached to concepts as they develop ABC’s = Activity Before Content 3.Teacher helps organize ideas, and may provide structured questions (Socratic) to guide development 4.Teacher may contribute ideas and provide direct teaching

13 5-E Learning Cycle Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate 1.May provide additional examples of the concept 2.May provide non-examples of the concept 3.May provide additional experiences with the concept 4.May be an activity, teacher demonstration, or media 5.Not intended to add new concepts

14 5-E Learning Cycle Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate 1.NOT primarily about generating a grade 2.IS primarily about helping students recognize learning 3.Returns to the original question asked in Engagement

15 Concepts Name Attributes Examples Concept Name: Transparent Attribute 1: Allows light to pass through Attribute 2: Does not make things look blurry Examples: clear glass, plastic wrap, air Engage & Explore Explain Definition: Allows light to pass directly through Elaborate Attribute 2: Clarification—The size of the image may change Attribute 2: Clarification—When checking, hold it back a bit Additional Examples: magnifying glass, water Non-example: waxed paper, muddy water, paper, wood Evaluate Write a story about a person who does a good deed with a transparent machine

16 5-E Learning Cycle Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate Communication Controlling Variables Defining Operationally Experimenting Interpreting Data Hypothesizing Inquiry-based Teaching 1.Focuses on Relevant Question(s) 2.Inductive (i.e. Moves from evidence to conclusions) 3.Uses Science Processes 4.Generates Additional Questions 5.Pedagogical Content Knowledge is a key Science Processes (a.k.a. Process Skills) Observing Predicting Inferring Measuring Classifying Constructing Models

17 Inquiry-based Teaching 1.Focuses on Relevant Question(s) 2.Inductive (i.e. Moves from evidence to conclusions) 3.Uses Science Processes 4.Generates Additional Questions 5.Pedagogical Content Knowledge is a key

18 Pedagogical Content Knowledge Knowledge of the science content Knowledge of the teaching activities Knowledge of the learner Understanding of how sequencing of activities is likely to affect learning Ability to assess learning—especially formative assessment—and to adjust on that basis Ability to anticipate problems that the learners might have with the content and activities –naïve conceptions –negative transfer –language

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