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Building Capacity by Connecting the Executive Standards Assistant Principal READY November 23, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Capacity by Connecting the Executive Standards Assistant Principal READY November 23, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Capacity by Connecting the Executive Standards Assistant Principal READY November 23, 2015

2 Can We Agree? To be actively involved Value differences Agree to disagree Listen

3 “Every public school student will graduate from high school, globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21st Century.” NC State Board of Education Mission

4 Outcomes Conduct an overview of the indicators in the Executive Standards; Review the Executive Standards; and Examine the connection of the Executive Standards to my work 4

5 Leadership Qualities What are the qualities of an excellent leader?

6 Setting the Stage story/Pages/default.aspx story/Pages/default.aspx story/field-guide/Documents/Principal-Story- Field-Guide.pdf

7 Leadership Practices

8 North Carolina Standards for School Executives As Approved by the State Board of Education December 7, 2006 Public education’s changed mission dictates the need for a new type of school leader -- an executive instead of an administrator. No longer are school leaders just maintaining the status quo by managing complex operations but just like their colleagues in business, they must be able to create schools as organizations that can learn and change quickly if they are to improve performance. 8

9 Setting the Foundation

10 Educators may use the NC Educator Evaluation System without training. A.True B.False

11 During the beginning of the year meeting with evaluator, the following will be decided… A.Date of first observation B.Data and artifacts necessary to complete the evolution C.If the principal’s license is up for renewal D.All of the above

12 Which resources contribute to the Consolidated Performance Assessment? A.Drop out data B.TWC data C.Record of PD provided to the staff D.Parent survey results E.All of the above

13 School Administrators should complete a self assessment A.Every Year B.By Themselves C.In the online tool D.All of the above

14 The Principal/AP evaluation process must be documented inside the online tool (or NC Educator Evaluation System). 1.True 2.False

15 Digging into the Executive Standards

16 Digging into the School Executive Standards Number off from 1-7 Like #s collaborate to develop a deeper understanding of the standard and elements that correspond with your assigned number Prepare a brief presentation to share your expertise with the whole group 16

17 North Carolina Executive Standards STANDARD I: Strategic Leadership STANDARD II: Instructional Leadership STANDARD III: Cultural Leadership STANDARD IV: Human Resource Leadership STANDARD V: Managerial Leadership STANDARD VI: External Development Leadership STANDARD VI: Micro-Political Leadership 17

18 NCEES Executive Standards ndards+for+School+Executives.pdf 18

19 19

20 Consistently and significantly exceeded basic competence Distinguished Exceeded basic competence most of the time Accomplished Demonstrated basic competence Proficient Demonstrated adequate growth toward achieving standards, but did not demonstrate basic competence Developing Ratings for Standards1-7

21 An area of strength for me is: 1.Strategic Leadership 2.Instructional Leadership 3.Cultural Leadership 4.Human Resource Leadership 5.Managerial Leadership 6.External Development Leadership 7.Micro Political Leadership

22 An area I need to develop is: 1.Strategic Leadership 2.Instructional Leadership 3.Cultural Leadership 4.Human Resource Leadership 5.Managerial Leadership 6.External Development Leadership 7.Micro Political Leadership

23 Standard 1: Strategic Leadership 23 Summary: School executives will create conditions that result in strategically re-imaging the school’s vision, mission, and goals in the 21st century. Understanding that schools ideally prepare students for an unseen but not altogether unpredictable future, the leader creates a climate of inquiry that challenges the school community to continually re-purpose itself by building on its core values and beliefs about its preferred future and then developing a pathway to reach it.

24 Scenario: Standard 1/Strategic Leadership Mr. Ball is a great strategic leader. He has a very successful School Improvement Team (SIT). Every year, he creates a team that is focused on making certain the district, state and school goals are aligned with the mission. The SIT generates SMART goals and organizes themselves every year to get things done. In fact, Mr. Ball has received the district recognition for his work on the SIT and has been asked by the superintendent to coach his colleagues on the processes he uses. What Strategic Leadership Practices are evident? Based on the descriptors in the rubric, what rating would you give Mr. Ball for Standard 1?

25 I would rate Mr. Ball _________ on Standard 1 1.Developing 2.Proficient 3.Accomplished 4.Distinguished 5.Not Demonstrated

26 Standard 2: Instructional Leadership 26 Summary: School executives will set high standards for the professional practice of 21st century instruction and assessment that result in a no nonsense accountable environment. The school executive must be knowledgeable of best instructional and school practices and must use this knowledge to cause the creation of collaborative structures within the school for the design of highly engaging schoolwork for students, the on-going peer review of this work and the sharing of this work throughout the professional community.

27 Scenario: Standard 2/Instructional Leadership Mrs. Suitt has been an administrator for ten years. She is described by her staff as a person who gets things done. If she does not believe the innovation is best for students, she will not implement it in her school. Everybody knows that Mrs. Suitt runs her school. She just does not like status quo and leads by example. When people heard that she was investing 45% of the state school budget for the purchase of IPADS for a one-to-one initiative for 5 th grade students, it became a big issue in the district. This issue is getting more conflicting.. Which Instructional Leadership Practices are most evident? Based on the descriptors in the rubric, what rating would you give Mrs. Suitt for Standard 2?

28 I would rate Mrs. Suitt _________ on Standard 2 1.Developing 2.Proficient 3.Accomplished 4.Distinguished 5.Not Demonstrated

29 Standard 3: Cultural Leadership 29 Summary: School executives will understand and act on the understanding of the important role a school’s culture contributes to the exemplary performance of the school. School executives must support and value the traditions, artifacts, symbols and positive values and norms of the school and community that result in a sense ofidentity and pride upon which to build a positive future. A school executive must be able to “reculture” the school if needed to align with school’s goals of improving student and adult learning and to infuse the work of the adults and students with passion, meaning and purpose. Cultural leadership implies understanding the school as the people in it each day, how they came to their current state, and how to connect with their traditions in order to move them forward to support the school’s efforts to achieve individual and collective goals.

30 Scenario: Standard 3/Cultural Leadership 30 Mr. Howard is a second year principal at Dover Middle School. He felt that the school mascot of the past 30 years needed to be updated and aligned with the feeder High School mascot. He consulted with the School Improvement Team about the change. It was voted on by the staff and supported. Students and parents were surveyed and the majority supported the change. A student designed a new mascot and colors that were aligned with the neighboring High School. School uniform shirts that were printed with the previous mascot were not permitted to be worn any longer as part of the shift to a new mascot. Some parents and students were disgruntled by the uniform policy. Mr. Howard held firm in his expectation that uniform shirts featuring the previous mascot could not be worn and justified the policy based on staff, student, and parent support of a new mascot. How would you rate Mr. Howard?. Which Cultural Leadership Practices are most evident? Based on the descriptors in the rubric, what rating would you give Mr. Howard for Standard 3?

31 I would rate Mr. Howard _______ on Standard 3 1.Developing 2.Proficient 3.Accomplished 4.Distinguished 5.Not Demonstrated

32 Principal Evaluation Process


34 Step 1: Orientation (the beginning of school)

35 Step 2: Pre-Evaluation Planning Before your Initial Meeting with Superintendent or Designee

36 Step 3: Meeting Between Principal and Superintendent/Designee

37 Step 4: Data Collection

38 Step 5: Mid Year Conference

39 Step 6: Prepare a Consolidated Performance Assessment

40 Step 7: Summary Evaluation Conference

41 Practices: Standards 1-7 Outcomes: Standard 8 Academic Achievement Leadership 41

42 Principal Rating Categories Rationale - MET Research - Standard 6 & 8 - Status - Support ▲ Principals 5 Rating Categories Not Demonstrated Developing Proficient Accomplished Distinguished 3 Rating Categories Does not Meet Expected Growth Meets Expected Growth Exceeds Expected Growth 165432 7 Instructional Leadership Cultural Leadership Human Resource Leadership Managerial Leadership External Development Leadership Micro- political Leadership Strategic Leadership 8 Academic Achievement Leadership 2/18/2016 page 42

43 Principal Ratings Rationale - MET Research - Standard 6 & 8 - Status - Support ▲ Standards 8 rating will be determined using school-wide EVAAS growth School-wide EVAAS Growth Yearly Rating Does not Meet Expectations Meets Expected Growth Exceeds Expected Growth 8 2/18/2016 page 43

44 Veteran school administrators can opt for an abbreviated evaluation 1.True 2.False

45 The mid-year evaluation meeting between the principal and the superintendent is required. 1.True 2.False

46 During the beginning of the year meeting with evaluator, the following will be decided… A.Date of first observation B.Data and artifacts necessary to complete the evolution C.If the principal’s license is up for renewal D.All of the above

47 School Administrators should complete a self assessment A.Every Year B.By Themselves C.In the online tool D.All of the above

48 Educators may use the NC Educator Evaluation System without training. A.True B.False

49 Which of the following apply for standard 8? A.It applies to all principals and APs B.School-wide EVAAS data will be used C.It went into effect with the 2011-12 school year D. All of the above

50 The Principal/AP evaluation process must be documented inside the online tool (or NC Educator Evaluation System). 1.True 2.False

51 Resources 51 Kim Simmons, NCEES Consultant,

52 Contact Information Dr. Frances Harris-Burke Service Support Coordinator Piedmont Triad/Northwest

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