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Subject-Verb Agreement. Agreement in Number A verb must agree with its subject in number. A singular subject requires a singular verb. Example: The.

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Presentation on theme: "Subject-Verb Agreement. Agreement in Number A verb must agree with its subject in number. A singular subject requires a singular verb. Example: The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject-Verb Agreement


3 Agreement in Number A verb must agree with its subject in number. A singular subject requires a singular verb. Example: The student sings. Sing. Subject Sing. Verb A plural subject requires a plural verb. Example: Your children sing Plural subject Plural Verb Note *Most Regular verbs end in S when singular; Just the opposite of nouns which form their plural by adding an S

4 Always Remember This Rule!! A Verb Must Always Agree With the Subject!

5 Agreement in Number In a verb phrase, it is the first helping verb that must agree with the subject. Example: In the play Trifles, a neighbor has reported a murder. The officers have been searching for clues

6 Review of Subject - Verb Agreement Rules -Agreement in Number Directions: Identify the form of the verb that agrees with the subject. 1. The lights (dims, dim) 2. The curtain (rise, rises) 3. It (begin, begins) 4. Musicians (play plays) 5. The girl (is, are) Identify the verbs that do not agree with their subjects. Then write the correct verbs. If the sentence is correct, write C 1. Mr. Smith gives excellent acting advice. 2. He enjoy our acting class. 3. He is planning our next play. 4. Mr. Smith have the best ideas for plays. 5. I likes his class.

7 Words Between Subject and Verb The subject of a verb is never found in a prepositional or an appositive phrase. A phrase or a clause that interrupts a subject and its verb does not affect subject- verb agreement. Example: (Prepositional Phrase) The files of any computer are vulnerable to Prepositional phrase electronic-age thieves. Example: (Appositive Phrase) These thieves, people like the hacker Mitnick, steal government and industry secrets. Example: The troopers whom the captain put in charge of the roadblock stand on either side. (Clause)

8 Practice: Choose the verb in the parenthesis that agrees with the subject of each sentence. Write the answer on your paper. 1. The girls on the team (has, have) arrived. 2. The bear that was thought to be roaming through the fields (was, were) spotted in the woods. 3. The representative for the townspeople (is, are) unable to appear at tonight’s meeting. 4. The insects on the rubber plant (was, were sprayed) 5. The racing yachts that arrived late (was, were) delayed by an unexpected squall. 6. The managers in our office (is, are) holding a meeting. 7. The filing cabinets that were in the storeroom (has, have) been moved to the new offices. 8. The marble from Vermont (was, were ) shipped to Ohio. 9. Investigating teams from the FBI (is, are) now in the area. 10. The book on developing your own photos (was, were) helpful.

9 Indefinite Pronoun Subjects Singular indefinite Pronouns take singular verbs. Example: Everyone has heard of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Plural indefinite pronouns take plural verbs. Example: Few realize that Arthur Conan Doyle solved real- life cases.

10 Indefinite Pronoun Subjects Some indefinite Pronouns take singular verbs when they refer to one person or thing. The take plural verbs when they refer to two or more people or things. Example: Most of the story takes place in England Example: Most of the stories take place in England

11 Indefinite Pronouns Singular Plural Singular/Plural Another both all Anybody few any Anyone many more Anything several none Each some Either Everyone Neither Nobody No one Someone

12 Practice: Identify the verb that agrees with the subject (write the correct verb on your paper) 1. All of the winners (have, has, ) been notified. 2. Each of the participants (receives, receive) a number. 3. Someone always (forgets, forget) the key. 4. Both of the teams (looks, look) ready. 5. Some of that cake (is, are) for us. 6. Most of the players (tries, try) 7. (Has, Have) anyone call Mark? 8. One of the toughest events (is, are) the pole vault. 9. Everyone here (knows, know) the address. 10. Some of the pieces (is, are) missing.

13 What is a compound subject? A compound subject consists of two or more parts joined by a conjunction, such as and, or or nor. To decide whether a compound subject takes a singular plural verb, follow these guidelines.

14 Subjects joined by “and” A compound subject joined by “and” usually requires a plural verb. Example: The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew are the world’s most famous teenage detectives. These detectives and their fathers have been solving crimes since the 1920’s.

15 Subjects Joined by “and” *Sometimes a compound subject containing “and” refers to a single thing and takes a singular verb. Example: Spaghetti and meatballs was my favorite takeout food.

16 Subjects joined by “or” or “nor” When the parts of a compound subject are joined by “or” or “nor”, the verb should agree with the part closest to it. Example: Neither the Hardy boys nor Nancy is the stay –at-home type. Nancy or the Hardy boys are always near a crime scene.

17 Identify the correct form of the verb of each sentence 1. Neither Jeff nor his sisters (like, likes ) cabbage. 2. The sergeant and the captain (agree, agrees). 3. Either pen or pencil (is, are) acceptable. 4. The pants and the jacket (match, matches). 5. Neither the plaintiff nor the defendants (has, have) testified. 6. Either Jill or the twins (answers, answer) the phone. 7. The punch and cookies (taste, tastes) good. 8. (Is, Are) the balcony and the main floor full? 9. The trees and the bushes by the fence (need, needs) trimming. 10. The characters and the story (interests, interest)him.

18 Problem Subjects Some subjects such as collective nouns, singular nouns ending in s, and titles can be confusing. Singular or Plural – how do you decide?

19 Collective Nouns Collective nouns refer to groups of people, or things. Common collective nouns include the following: Class Team Club Committee Family Herd Flock Staff Jury Crowd Police majority

20 Rule - Collective Nouns When a collective noun refers to a group as a unit (all together functioning as one, it takes a singular verb. Example: In 1911, a robbery team steals Mona Lisa from the Louvre in France. * The team committed the crime together.

21 When the collective noun refers to a group acting as individuals it takes a plural verb. Example: The team separate after the theft. * Each member left and went his or her own way as individuals.

22 Nouns Ending in S Some nouns ending in s appear to be plural but are really singular in meaning. Use singular verbs with these words. Examples: mumps measles humanities news Genetics physics molasses Example: Eventually, forensics is used to help solve the crime.

23 Titles, Amounts, and Time Titles of works of art, literature, and music are singular. Words and phrases that refer to weights, measures, numbers and lengths of time are usually treated as singular.

24 Examples – Title, Amounts and Time Titles- Another genuine Mona Lisa has been discovered Amounts – Fifty thousand dollars has been raised to ransom the missing painting Time- Twelve years is a long time for an investigation to continue.

25 Practice Select the verb that correctly completes each sentence. 1. The team (is, are ) playing well tonight. 2. The team (is, are) getting dressed. 3. The Canterbury Tales (was, were) written by Geoffrey Chaucer. 4. Markle Brothers (has, have) a sale this week. 5. Three dollars (was, were) the price. 6. Five years (is, are) a long time. 7. Mumps (is, are) an extremely unpleasant disease. 8. Economics (is, are) my major field of study.

26 Other Agreement Problems Predicate Nominatives A verb always agrees with the subject, never with a predicate nominative. Example: Banks are the target. subject verb predicate Nom.

27 Inverted Sentences A subject can follow a verb or come between parts of a verb phrase in the following types of sentences. Examples: Questions Inverted Sentences Beginning with phrases

28 Examples – Inverted Sentences 1. Does the bank want the robbers punished? 2. Here is a book about dumb criminals 3. Right by the police speeds the truck.

29 To find the subject in an inverted sentence, do the following: 1. Turn the sentence around so that the subject comes first. 2. Determine if the subject is singular or plural. 3. Make sure the subject and verb agree

30 Don’t –Doesn’t The verb doesn’t is singular The verb don’t is plural Examples: It doesn’t make sense. He doesn’t swim They don’t watch TV We don’t argue

31 Practice Select the correct verb to complete each sentence. 1. Here (is, are) the magazines you wanted. 2. Where (were, was) the Coopers. 3. There (is, are ) some Band-aids in the kitchen. 4. 4. across the floor of the shop (run, runs) a single bright thread. 5. In the book, Crime and Punishment, several crimes (appear, appears) 6. (Has, Have) you ever heard stories about dumb criminals and their crimes? 7. Right by the police (speeds, speed) the criminals 8. (Doesn’t, Don’t) he look nice? 9. (Doesn’t, Don’t the teachers have a meeting today? 10. Timothy (doesn’t, don’t )dance much.

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