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Gyengnam Public Health & Environmental Research Institute Gang-Ja Ha*, Hwan-Ju Choi, Ho-Hyek Chung, Hwang- Chan Bae, Young-Rok Kim, Jong-Hwa Chung Trace.

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Presentation on theme: "Gyengnam Public Health & Environmental Research Institute Gang-Ja Ha*, Hwan-Ju Choi, Ho-Hyek Chung, Hwang- Chan Bae, Young-Rok Kim, Jong-Hwa Chung Trace."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gyengnam Public Health & Environmental Research Institute Gang-Ja Ha*, Hwan-Ju Choi, Ho-Hyek Chung, Hwang- Chan Bae, Young-Rok Kim, Jong-Hwa Chung Trace metal contents of shellfish in Gyengnam

2 This study were attempted to estimate the contents of trace metal in the shellfishs, oyster, arkshell, etc., from Feb. 2002, to Dec. in Gyengnam. A total of 74 samples were collected from marine products market. Trace metals, Hg, Pb, Cd, etc. were analyzed to investigate safety of shellfishs. Hg was analyzed by automatic mercury analyzer, others by ICP. As a results of trace metal analysis, the contents of Hg[minimum ∼ maximum(mean)] were 0.0001 ∼ 0.04(0.009), Pb 0.020 ∼ 1.350(0.493), Cd N.D ∼ 0.995(0.165), Cu 0.259 ∼ 29.857(5.150), Zn 3.473 ∼ 202.077(32.425), Cr N.D ∼ 2.081(0.325), Mn 0.515 ∼ 13.487(4.196), Fe 8.755 ∼ 207.910(52.313) mg/Kg respectively. In Guidelines of seafood standard, Hg is allowed below 0.5, Pb 2.0, Cd 2.0 mg/Kg, Maximum detected contents in this study, Hg was 0.04, Pb 1.35 mg/Kg from little neck clam, Cd was 0.995 mg/Kg from pun shell, but all of trace metal contents were belowed allowed guidline contents. Abstract

3 Objectives  Survey of trace metals from the shellfishes in Gyengnam  Accumulation of heavy metal by food chain  Pose health problem of heavy metals. minamata, itai-itai desease. etc.  Hygienes and safety of marine products  Insurance of Base data for safety level valuation of shellfishes

4 Materials and method Areas : Masan, Tongyeong, Geoje, Hadong, Sacheon, Namhae Samples : Total 74 samples Butter clam Saxidomus purpuratus( 개조개 ) Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas( 굴 ) Little neck clam Tapes japonica( 바지락 ) Pen shell Pectinata japonica( 키조개 ) Giant surp clam( 왕우럭조개 ) Ark shell( 피조개 ) Hard-shelled mussel Mytilus coruscus( 홍합 ) Standard : Hg, Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Cr, Mn, Fe Automatic Mercury Analyzer : Nippon Instruments (Mercury SP, Atomizer MA-1, Detector MD-1) ICP Analysis : Spectro Flame Modula

5 Table. Analysis condition of ICP Instruments SPECTROFLAME(FSP 0A83B) SPECTRO ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS GMBH, Germany Generator Power 1200W Pressure Nebulizer 40 psi Auxiliary 30 psi Coolant 40 psi Wavelength(nm) Pb : 220.353 Cd : 228.802 Cu : 324.754 Zn : 213.856 Cr : 267.716 Mn : 257.610 Fe : 259.940

6 Results Table. Recovery rate of trace metals ElementRecovery rate(%) ± S.D Hg97.4 ± 0.91 Pb93.7 ± 0.69 Cd96.1 ± 0.87 Cu97.8 ± 0.89 Zn96.4 ± 0.77 Cr96.4 ± 0.85 Mn95.7 ± 0.93 Fe96.2 ± 0.88 S.D : Standard deviation

7 Fig. Hg average contents of shellfishs Fig. Pb average contents of shellfishs

8 Fig. Cd average contents of shellfishs Fig. Cu average contents of shellfishs

9 Fig. Zn average contents of shellfishs Fig. Cr average contents of shellfishs

10 Fig. Mn average contents of shellfishs Fig. Fe average contents of shellfishs

11 Table. Contents of trace metals in shellfishes

12 Conclusion The analysis results of trace metal in shellfishes were as follows. 1. The overall ranges and mean values of trace metals showed in the following order : Hg 0.0001 ∼ 0.04(0.009), Pb 0.020 ∼ 1.350(0.493), Cd N.D ∼ 0.995(0.165), Cu 0.259 ∼ 29.857(5.150), Zn 3.473 ∼ 202.077(32.425), Cr N.D ∼ 2.081(0.325), Mn 0.515 ∼ 13.487(4.196), Fe 8.755 ∼ 207.910 (52.313) mg/Kg. 2. In Guidelines of seafood standard, Hg is allowed below 0.5, Pb 2.0, Cd 2.0 mg/Kg, Maximum detected contents in this study, Hg was 0.04, Pb 1.35 mg/Kg in little neck clam, Cd was 0.995 mg/Kg in pun shell, but all of trace metal contents were belowed allowed guidline contents.

13 Reference 1.Sally, E. Collings, Michael S. Johnson, and Richard T. Leah : Metal Contamination of Angler-Caught Fish from the Mersey Estuary, Marine Environmental Research. 41, 281-297, 1996. 2. You-Sub Sho, Jung-Soo Kim, So-Young Chung, Mee-Hye Kim, Moo-Ki Hong : Trace Metal Contents in Fishes and Shellfishes and Their Safety Evaluatins, J. Korean Soc. Food Sci. Nutr., 29, 549-554, 2000. 3.Kim, Y. C. and Han, S. H. : A Study on heavy metal contents of the fish and the shellfish in Korea. J. Food Hygiene and Safety, Korea, 14, 305-318, 1999. 4. Capar, S. G : A Summary on heavy metal contents of the shellfish. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem, 60, 1400-1407, 1977.

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