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Measuring Metric Length. Ttera10 12 1 000 000 000 000trillion Ttera10 12 1 000 000 000 000trillion Ggiga10 9 1 000 000 000billion Ggiga10 9 1 000 000.

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring Metric Length. Ttera10 12 1 000 000 000 000trillion Ttera10 12 1 000 000 000 000trillion Ggiga10 9 1 000 000 000billion Ggiga10 9 1 000 000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring Metric Length


3 Ttera10 12 1 000 000 000 000trillion Ttera10 12 1 000 000 000 000trillion Ggiga10 9 1 000 000 000billion Ggiga10 9 1 000 000 000billion Mmega10 6 1 000 000million Mmega10 6 1 000 000million kkilo10 3 1 000thousand kkilo10 3 1 000thousand hhecto* 10 2 100 hundred hhecto* 10 2 100 hundred dadeka*10 1 10 ten dadeka*10 1 10 ten 10 0 1one ddeci*10  1 0.1 tenth ddeci*10  1 0.1 tenth ccenti*10  2 0.01 hundredth ccenti*10  2 0.01 hundredth mmilli10  3 0.001thousandth mmilli10  3 0.001thousandth µmicro10  6 0.000 001millionth µmicro10  6 0.000 001millionth nnano10  9 0.000 000 001billionth nnano10  9 0.000 000 001billionth ppico10  12 0.000 000 000 001trillionth ppico10  12 0.000 000 000 001trillionth

4 Measuring Metric Length  Use handout to answer questions  When finished complete the back.


6 Length Lab  Use conversion chart to convert to inches.  Use calculator if you have one.  ____cm x.39 = _____ inches  L x W x H = volume  Get your pennies from the table in the front of the room

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