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Internet Data Reporting CES 13.6.2005 Using the Web in Collecting Data for Business Statistics in Finland.

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1 Internet Data Reporting CES 13.6.2005 Using the Web in Collecting Data for Business Statistics in Finland

2 13.6.20032Ilkka Hyppönen Statistics Finland’s strategy To offer a WEB based option in all data collections by 2007 Its is the respondent’s choice whether to use WEB or not ---> it is his / her judgement what is sufficient in data security

3 13.6.20033Ilkka Hyppönen Business data collections (excl. financial stats) about 45 surveys (excluding collections with less than 30 respondents) Our approach is pragmatic WEB -collection in use 1.5.2005: 15 by the end of year 2006: 45 The paper option remains for the foreseeable future --> decreases benefits

4 13.6.20034Ilkka Hyppönen Mr Fellegis questions What approach to use to protect the data from interception in both directions? Experiences? --> Not a very big concern. -- data is not super sensitive -- the respondents decide whether to use or not -- no experiences Experiences with provision of past data? --> ?? Past data is included in the response data base and is available to the respondent

5 13.6.20035Ilkka Hyppönen Mr Fellegis questions Any unreported experiences with respondent research? --> not in this area (WEB) Should we create an ad hoc working group on EDR? Does not seem necessary from our point of view; possible solutions in various countries are tied with the institutional conditions

6 13.6.20036Ilkka Hyppönen Mr Fellegis questions Why have you adopted both an in-house and a contracted approach? When do you use each? --> in 1997 we did not have in-house expertise --> with limited in-house resources progress would be slow --> with both in-house / contracted we can “double” the speed Which one works better? --> Both seem to be doing all right. --> For short term --> in-house because must have fast response --> can not wait for a service provider to react

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