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Course Overview Ted Baker  Andy Wang COP 5641 / CIS 4930.

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1 Course Overview Ted Baker  Andy Wang COP 5641 / CIS 4930

2 Instructors Ted Baker  Office: LOV 207A  Office hours: after class and by appointment Andy Wang  Office: LOV 264  Office hours: after class and by appointment Class website:

3 Meeting Place and Times Monday – Friday: 12:30am – 1:45pm  LOV 103 (sometimes at LOV 016) In addition to regular meetings  You will spend lots of time on projects  Projects will need to be done in the lab, unless you have a PC that you: 1)don't mind trashing, through kernel bugs 2)can bring into the lab for demos 3)have your own device

4 Course Objectives Make yourself into a Linux kernel “hacker”, who can:  Configure, compile, and install a Linux kernel  Do the same for a kernel module  Navigate and read the Linux kernel sources  Use the API for internal kernel services  Design and implement a kernel module  Modify, or design and implement a device driver  Measure the performance of your implementation

5 Applicability of Kernel Hacking Skills Software engineering Concurrent programming Thesis and dissertation Employment

6 Prerequisites COP 4610  Operating Systems and Concurrent Programming or, COP 5570  Advanced Unix Programming or, Proficiency in UNIX environment and C

7 Course Material Lecture notes (posted at the class website) Textbook  Linux Device Drivers, 3 rd Edition  ISBN: 0-596-00590-3 Online textbook 

8 Class Grading Assignment 1 (individual): 10% Assignment 2 (individual): 15% Assignment 3 (individual): 15% Assignment 4 (team + report): 30% Quizzes: 30%

9 Class Participation Two absences are allowed without question or justification Grade will be reduce by one percent for each missed class Exceptions:  Documented religious holidays and emergency  Similar special cases pre-approved by the instructor

10 Assignments Reading Programming  You will be provided access to a PC (LOV 16) It may need to be shared  First three assignments: lab. exercises  Last assignment: team projects Each member will evaluate the contribution of the other team members  Warning: they get more difficult, exponentially

11 BEWARE Assignments may be very time consuming  Non-deterministic bugs  Obscure bug symptoms Not much information about where an error occurred  Need frequent reboots and OS reinstallations Implications  Start your projects early  You are responsible for backing up your work

12 BEWARE If you plan to use your own computer  You will need to bring in your machine to demonstrate your code  You might trash your hard drives

13 Some Useful Tools Virtual machines  VMWare  Xen  Virtual PC User Mode Linux (UML) These can save time in debugging, but take time to learn and install. They will not help much when you get to a real device driver. There is not time to cover them in class, so if you want to use these you will need to teach yourself.

14 Quizzes Several short quizzes  On average, one quiz per week  Not necessarily announced in advance (Dates on calendare are just illustrative.) No make-ups for missed quizzes  For excused absences or lateness The missing quizzes will be dropped

15 Class Grading 91% - 100%A 89% - 90%A- 85% - 88%B+ 81% - 84%B 79% - 80%B- 75% - 78%C+ 71% - 74%C 69% - 70%C- 64% - 68%D+ 61% - 63%D 59% - 60%D- 0% - 58%F

16 Computer Accounts, etc. ACNS account (  Grade posting will be via Blackboard Card activation for 016 Love lab  If you have not yet given the Systems Group your FSU card number and a door PIN, you need to give the Dr. Wang that information, right away!

17 Course Policies Attendance mandatory No makeup quizzes Honor code: read your student handbook Students with disabilities  Report to Student Disability Resource Center  Bring me a letter within the first week of class

18 Things for you to do Fill out survey form and turn it in to Dr. Wangsurvey form Read chapters 1 and 2 of the text Do lab assignment 1

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