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Workshop 1A The Workplace Wellbeing Charter. Towards Workplace Wellbeing: Taking a business focused approach Martin Smith Consultant in Public Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop 1A The Workplace Wellbeing Charter. Towards Workplace Wellbeing: Taking a business focused approach Martin Smith Consultant in Public Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop 1A The Workplace Wellbeing Charter

2 Towards Workplace Wellbeing: Taking a business focused approach Martin Smith Consultant in Public Health

3 Matt Liggins Health and Wellbeing Manager Workplace Wellbeing Quiz

4 1.According to the 2015 CIPD Absence Survey, how many organisations have a wellbeing policy or strategy? CIPD 2015 a) 8% b) 28% c) 48% 2.Does workplace wellbeing make commercial sense? What return on investment can businesses expect to see from health and wellbeing initiatives? PWC 2008 a) 50% return. £1 back for every £2 spent b) 100% return. £1 back for every £1 spent c) 8400% return. £84 back for every £1 spent 3.How many organisations reported an increase in ‘presenteeism’ in 2015? CIPD 2015 a) 1/20 b) 1/10 b) 1/3 Workplace Wellbeing Quiz

5 4.Taking steps to safeguard the mental health and wellbeing of employees is a legal requirement for any workplace? a) TRUE b) FALSE 5.Physical activity programmes in the workplace have been shown to reduce sickness absence by how much? Price Waterhouse Coopers 2008 a) Not at all b) 10% c) 20% 6.What percentage of initiatives to tackle obesity are shown to be highly cost effective? McKinsey Global Institute 2014 a) 35% b) 65% b) 95% Workplace Wellbeing Quiz

6 7.How many working days are lost each year due to alcohol-related sickness? Institute of alcohol studies 2013 a) 7 million at a cost of £0.7bn to UK employers b) 17 million at a cost of £1.7bn to UK employers c) 27 million at a cost of £2.7bn to UK employers 8.Do those who smoke want help from their workplace to quit? Which of the following are true? British Heart Foundation a) 71% of smokers would find information on quitting useful b) 67% would like their employers to promote Stoptober and No Smoking Day c) 78% would like information on their local quitting support services 9.Stress is the 2 nd highest cause of short term absence and highest cause of long term absence for non-manual workers, but how many organisations offer training for managers to help them support staff? CIPD 2015 a) 33% b) 53% b) 73% Workplace Wellbeing Quiz


8 Towards Workplace Wellbeing: Taking a business focused approach Martin Smith Consultant in Public Health

9 Work and Health Good employment is good for health and wellbeing Good health is good for employers BUT: In the UK every year, 140 million working days are lost to sickness absence An estimated cost to UK businesses of nearly £29 billion GBP/year Absence levels from work are higher in UK with average 9.1 days/year: 7.3 days (Western Europe) 4.9 days (U.S.) 2.2 days (Asia Pacific) Mental illness causes 46% of all sickness absence in the UK UK workers were absent for, on average 22.6 days during 2009–10 due to work related stress Presenteeism in the UK alone represents an annual cost of over £15 billion and costs 1.5 times more than absence due to poor mental health

10 The Workplace Wellbeing Charter Developed in Liverpool in 2009 – with national endorsement from key bodes Supporting business growth Aims to reduce absence, improve productivity, make businesses more sustainable and minimise ill health Eight Standards: Leadership, Culture & Communication Absence Management Health & Safety Mental health Alcohol & Substance misuse Healthy eating Physical activity Smoking

11 The Workplace Wellbeing Charter Three Performance Categories:

12 Reaching over 29,000 employees

13 From Local to National In 2013: Approximately 40 workplace health schemes running across England, mostly based on Liverpool’s standards. All tailored to local circumstances – mainly the branding but content and accreditation process in some cases Some schemes focused around skills of assessor and not the business needs. No core standards nationally so very difficult for businesses No recognition between areas of accreditation by other areas No national guidance or support for areas to establish a new Charter

14 From Local to National Agreement with PHE undertaken by H@W – our local 3 rd sector provider Consultation workshops across England with organisations providing workplace health support Mapping the provision of workplace wellbeing standards and award schemes across England Interviews/meetings with key informants Evidence review Further development of website

15 The Workplace Wellbeing Charter: A National Standard National re-launch in Liverpool June 2014 Provides a single core standard to support existing schemes Core Branding Common templates Web portal providing a single landing point for all stakeholders ™

16 Conclusion Good progress to date but much to do Well received by businesses and potential to expand its success further Increasing take up across the country but patchy in some LA areas that may be funded or not Development of national model for administration, governance and quality assurance. The Charter can contribute to any local area’s desire to reduce health inequalities and improve economic growth and wealth.

17 Suite 302 No 1 Old Hall Street Liverpool Merseyside L3 9HF Tel: 0151 236 6608 Email: Web: Thanks very much for attending our workshop Please contact health@work for further information on the Wellbeing Charter or visit

18 Workshop Recommendations What would be quick wins to focus on next year? What challenges do you need support with?

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