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Save lil p-nut out da burning projects By Zeniah Bush.

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Presentation on theme: "Save lil p-nut out da burning projects By Zeniah Bush."— Presentation transcript:

1 Save lil p-nut out da burning projects By Zeniah Bush

2 Background You come home from a bad day at work and you are exhausted you eat and go to bed. You hear a noise do you wake up to entertain it or go back to bed. Wake Up Go Back Asleep

3 Go Back to bed The house next door explodes

4 Wake Up You wake up and go next door you see the house next door, it is on fire your neighbor is saying her son lil p-nut is still inside. Do you go inside or wait for 911 911 Go inside

5 Going inside There are 3 ways to go in…through the window, the front door, or through the back door. What do you do? Front door Back door Window

6 Waiting for 911 The ambulance comes but it is too late

7 Front Door The flames are really high and you get burned severly

8 Window You jump through the window and get attacked by a hampster

9 Back door Your in the basement now the flames are getting bigger you can go up the steps straight to his room or through the vent. Vent Stairs

10 Vent Your traveling down the vent you see light down one way and hear screams in the second way where do you go? Second First

11 Stairs There is too much smoke so you choke to death.

12 First The light was actually flames and you fall in then die.

13 Second You reach the boy you get him. He is in bad condition and you see the ambulance outside so you have to get him out quick. Take the ladder down the window. Ladder

14 Heroism You make it out safely with lil p-nut and he is taken care of. You are noticed everywhere for your heroic acts. You are invited on the Ellen show she gives you a brand new car. The End

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