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July 4 th Suites Hotel The anticipate outcomes and the programme To bring all partners upto date with both the NTG bid and the work of the LTP To share.

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2 July 4 th Suites Hotel The anticipate outcomes and the programme To bring all partners upto date with both the NTG bid and the work of the LTP To share our performance data and the policy implications To agree specific outcomes for our partnership – this is about us doing it for ourselves To add value - help one another to make our work / life better and easier

3 The L.T.P.Partnership Structure The 7 DCS Directors who meet every 6 weeks The LTP Coordinator [ 0.6 ] reports directly to this group and there is some valuable additional consultancy support on workforce reform [ 0.2 ] There is an annual contribution of £12,000 paid by each of the seven partner authorities Sefton,Knowsley,Liverpool,Wirral,Halton, Warrington and St Helens There is an agreed LTP protocol There is also a website

4 The 2004 Original L.T.P.Aims Cross LEA working and joint delivery – to achieve efficient and effective service delivery. Service improvement through wider links and contacts Build up a knowledge network – encourage skills and knowledge transfer including work shadowing Joint improvement - linked advocacy and strategic planning Improved opportunities for resource acquisition and utilisation with a pluralistic funding approach Creating a cross LEA model to deliver national objectives. Provide a joint response to new central initiatives Peer review

5 L.T.P. Action Plan In the 2008 action plan there are two focus areas To narrow the gap in educational attainment – which is the common performance priority for all the authorities and an external facing objective. To build capacity by the development of the workforce reform in Children`s Services – an inward facing objective and an enabling factor for change

6 Key Activities LTP Networks Series of meetings and networks to inform other meetings. Often filling gaps and ensuring a quick response LTP Masterclasses Aim is seven or eight per year Information and networking LTP Conferences and Events Current work on L.A.C.and Common apprenticeships LTP Website

7 The L.T.P. Networks Data Management Baseline information Benchmarking Regional character School Improvement Strategy development Sharing practice,data and documentation Governor Training Video conference Training Sharing practice CP.D and Workforce Development Multidisciplinary working and leadership School Leadership Succession planning

8 2007/08 Masterclass Programme School Organisation regulations - Sept 18 Safeguarding - Nov 20 Integrated Youth Support - Jan 24 Governance and Leadership – March 4 14-19 - April 21 Workforce Reform - May 19 Ofsted inspections - June 26

9 The MIEP Narrowing the Gap Bid 1 The Gathering of Data and Intelligence Where are the gaps ? - What is the data telling us ? Why is the gap there ? - What is the data telling us £52,300 allocated in year 1

10 M.I.E.P. Narrowing the Gap 2 The Development of Collaborative strategies What works ? How do we know ? What can each LA lead on ? What is the role of Lead Schools here ? £89,500 allocated in year 1

11 M.I.E.P. Narrowing the Gap 3 Sharing and capturing the Learning What is best done on our own and what is best done together ? How do we capture and embed the ‘best practice ‘ £24,867 allocated in year 1

12 Contacts Chris Wilkinson LTP Coordinator 01514435310 or 07717727597 Claire McNally LTP Programme Support 01514435689 The Education Development Centre, 219,Knowsley Lane, Huyton, Knowsley, L36 8 HW Website address -

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