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Marijuana Jesse Hendrickson Bob Habel Nate Carrier Cadalina Heiderscheit.

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Presentation on theme: "Marijuana Jesse Hendrickson Bob Habel Nate Carrier Cadalina Heiderscheit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marijuana Jesse Hendrickson Bob Habel Nate Carrier Cadalina Heiderscheit

2 Our Goal  -2K1LM -2K1LM

3 History  7000 BC Clothing  George Washington  Outlawed in 1937  40’s – 50’s  Georgia  States began legalizing in 1996

4 Terms

5 Hemp  Cannabis Sativa  Tall Course Plant  Native to Asia  Fiber  Buds

6 Marijuana  The dried leaves of the hemp plant.  Contain THC

7 Hash


9 Pros

10 Money  10 billion on taxes   36 billion consuming  3.5 billion in taxes (not including sin tax)  Jails  750,000  Overcrowding  Taxes

11 Medical  Relieves  Headaches  Body Pain  Sexual Desire  Asthma  No Overdose

12 Regulation  25 million people  14 million  Reduce teen access  Take off streets  Licensed Businesses  Strict Policies  100 %  86.5 persons per hour

13 Video

14 Cons

15 Regulation  People with still sell  Send Wrong Message  Hiding Inventory  No Accurate Test for DUI  Pass/Fail

16 Gateway  9 percent of users become addicted  Long Term:  Irritability  Sleeplessness  Decreased Appetite  Gateway Hypothesis

17 Side Effects  Distorted Perceptions  Impaired Coordination  Difficulty thinking and Problem Solving  Problems Learning  Memory  Suboptimal Intellectual Level all the time

18 Overview

19 Questions?

20 Sources  

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