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Rube Goldberg Project By Eric Vadenais & Dan Magee.

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Presentation on theme: "Rube Goldberg Project By Eric Vadenais & Dan Magee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rube Goldberg Project By Eric Vadenais & Dan Magee

2 EDP Step 1: Project Description & Statement of Need Rube Goldberg: - Was an American sculpture and cartoonist - Created machines to do simple tasks Example of a Rube Goldberg Machine

3 EDP Step 1: Project Description & Statement of Need Description: - Based off of Rube Goldberg’s inventions - Simple task conquered by using different steps Statement of Need: - We want ice cream sundays, but how do we get the toppings into the bowl?

4 Toppings: Banana Hot Fudge Sprinkles Whip Cream Cherry Spoon

5 EDP Step 2: Project Design Criteria & Constraints Criteria: ●Minimum of 5 steps - First and last don’t count - No repeat steps (such as ball falling on catapult and a toy car falling on a catapult)

6 EDP Step 2: Project Design Criteria & Constraints Criteria: ●Minimum of 5 steps - First and last don’t count - No repeat steps ●One Electronic

7 EDP Step 2: Project Design Criteria & Constraints Criteria: ●Minimum of 5 steps - First and last don’t count - No repeat steps ●One Electronic ●Pencil trigger (Light touch) Rube machine this area Pencil trigger

8 EDP Step 2: Project Design Criteria & Constraints Criteria: ●Minimum of 5 steps - First and last don’t count - No repeat steps ●One Electronic ●Pencil trigger ●Height requirement 3.5’’ above bowl Topping

9 EDP Step 2: Project Design Criteria & Constraints Criteria: ●Minimum of 5 steps - First and last don’t count - No repeat steps ●One Electronic ●Pencil trigger ●Height requirement ●Fits on board 18’’ 6’’ 9’’ above No cross zone

10 EDP Steps 5 & 6: Project Prototyping & TestingProject Prototyping & Testing Prototyping and testing was a tedious process. Nothing will work right the first time! Or, even the tenth time. redesign and testing was a vital part of this project. Example: The design for the chain drive needed to be refined several times

11 EDP Step 7: Product Delivery You will watch as your final projects all work in sync Setup projects around rotating bowl in middle in order Present at lunch in front of class and spectators

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