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PVAAS Updates to PAIU Curriculum Coordinators February 2013 Kristen Lewald, Ed.D. PVAAS Statewide Director for PDE Lancaster-Lebanon IU13

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Presentation on theme: "PVAAS Updates to PAIU Curriculum Coordinators February 2013 Kristen Lewald, Ed.D. PVAAS Statewide Director for PDE Lancaster-Lebanon IU13"— Presentation transcript:

1 PVAAS Updates to PAIU Curriculum Coordinators February 2013 Kristen Lewald, Ed.D. PVAAS Statewide Director for PDE Lancaster-Lebanon IU13


3 PVAAS Roster Verification A process to give PILOT LEAs (teachers, principals, and Superintendents) access to a web-based system to locally verify that the right teachers are linked to the right students for the right proportion of time for the right tested course/grade/subject - to yield PVAAS Teacher-Specific Reporting. Teacher Student Proportion of Time Grade/Subject /Course

4 PVAAS Teacher-Specific Reporting Timeline Spring 2013 PILOT PVAAS Roster Verification Fall 2013 PILOT PVAAS Teacher- Specific Reporting The one chance to “try it before it counts”

5 Communications Penn*Link Anticipated: Tuesday Feb 19 th Invitation to Participate in Spring 2013 PVAAS Roster Verification PILOT Who: Invited: IUs, Districts, CTCs, Charters Access to/use of PVAAS Roster Verification System Receive Fall 2013 PVAAS Teacher-Specific Reporting for participating teachers

6 Communications 3 “Find Out More about the PVAAS Spring 2013 Pilot!” Statewide Webinars Join via Elluminate A chance for LEAs to get more details about the PILOT before signing up and an opportunity to ask questions Archived February 22, 2013 8:30am-9:30am February 25, 2013 2:30pm-3:30pm February 26, 2013 8:30am-9:30am February 26, 2013 3:30pm-4:30pm

7 Pilot Participation LEAs Choose: Scope of Participation Identify school(s) Identify grade(s)/subject(s)/course(s) Identify which teachers, principals, and district admins who will participate Participation will result in ACCESS to the roster verification system and process Participation requires completion of the verification process within a scheduled window of dates

8 Elementary (PSSA) + Secondary (Keystone) 1 grade/subject/course at each level >1 grades/subjects/courses at each level Elementary (PSSA) + Middle (PSSA/Keystone) + High School (Keystone) 1 grade/subject/course at each level >1 grades/subjects/courses at each level Elementary only 1 grade/subject/course at each level >1 grades/subjects/courses at each level Secondary only 1 grade/subject/course at each level >1 grades/subjects/courses at each level ion Scenarios: Level of Participat ion

9 Role of LEA Required: Send file of staff email addresses & PPIDs to SAS EVAAS by a set date (following required data fields and file format) STRONGLY ENCOURAGED: Complete PIMS course attribution file BY March 1 This will reduce time needed for teachers to complete roster verification Participate in roster verification training Minimum of 1 district admin and 1 principal per school LIVE sessions or webinar Complete roster verification process using PVAAS roster verification web-based system and process Each pilot participant completes brief online survey about process, system, and supports Principal and District Admin MUST EACH complete their part of roster verification process for each participating school

10 Benefits: Pilot Participation “See and use” the PVAAS roster verification process and web-based system before it “counts” Experience the process, time, and resources needed to complete roster verification – allowing your LEA to more effectively plan for SY13-14 implementation - when it does “count” towards the 1 st PVAAS 3 year rolling average

11 Benefits: Pilot Participation SAS EVAAS/PVAAS vendor will mass create PVAAS user accounts for any staff included in the LEAs staff email/PPID file Implement PDE Guidance to provide more accurate data that reflects your unique schedules or unique ways of delivering instruction Provide feedback to PDE about the process and the web-based system Fall 2013 Teacher-Specific Reporting released (based on SY12-13) will be a more precise indicator of measures of teacher-specific data for your teachers

12 DRAFT: Implementation Timeline

13 Roster Verification: Professional Development Focus: “HOW TO” 3 hour Training Sessions Roster Verification Process and Web-Based System Kristen Lewald, Ed.D. and SAS EVAAS 2 approaches to training for Pilot LEAs April 2013 3 Face-to-Face Sessions West, Central, East 3 Statewide Webinars (archived)

14 Roster Verification: Professional Development Face to Face Sessions Live Sessions **Registration Key: PVAASPILOT** PATTAN Website/After PennLink is released PaTTAN King of Prussia April 22, 2013 8:30-11:30am or 12:30-3:30pm PaTTAN Harrisburg April 23, 2013 8:30-11:30am or 12:30-3:30pm PaTTAN Pittsburgh: April 24, 2013 8:30-11:30am or 12:30-3:30pm Webinars: via Elluminate No registration required for webinars April 18, 2013, 12:30pm-3:30pm April 19, 2013, 8:30am-11:30am April 25, 2013, 12:30pm-3:30pm Attend one 3 hour Session 1 District Admin 1 Principal per Pilot School

15 Roster Verification: Support Other Supports PDE FAQs Quick Guides Virtual Learning Modules Help Menus Email and Phone Support

16 Teachers (2 weeks) Principal (2 weeks) District Admin (1 week) SAS EVAAS OPTION: School Pre-Step: Roster PVAAS Roster Verification Sequence and Process (1 week)

17 Roster Verification: Teacher DRAFT NOT FINAL

18 Roster Verification: Principal DRAFT NOT FINAL

19 Roster Verification: Superintendent or Designee DRAFT NOT FINAL

20 PVAAS TEACHER-SPECIFIC REPORTING Responding to a Frequent LEA Question Teachers with an Eligible PVAAS Score?

21 Questions for LEAs to Ask Themselves Now – to Plan   Which permanent or temporary professional employees who hold a valid Pa. teaching certificate have full or partial responsibility for content specific instruction of assessed eligible content as measured by the PSSA in reading, math, science or writing?   Which permanent or temporary professional employees who hold a valid Pa. teaching certificate have full or partial responsibility for content specific instruction of assessed eligible content as measured by the Keystone exams in Algebra I, Literature or Biology?   There will be other criteria established from the SY12-13 pilot to determine which teachers will have an eligible PVAAS score   For example, minimum N count


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