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Checkpoint #42 Geography, Visual Vocab, and Buddhism/Hinduism 1-6 Bubble 7 Extended Response.

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Presentation on theme: "Checkpoint #42 Geography, Visual Vocab, and Buddhism/Hinduism 1-6 Bubble 7 Extended Response."— Presentation transcript:

1 Checkpoint #42 Geography, Visual Vocab, and Buddhism/Hinduism 1-6 Bubble 7 Extended Response

2 1.Why is the Huang He called “China's Sorrow”? – 6.30 a.Economic recessions b.Destruction of resources c.Lives lost to natural disasters d.Geographic restrictions 2.Why is the Huang He the “Yellow River”? – 6.30 a.Named after the yellowish tint deriving from silt. b.The reflection from the sun’s light. c.It is the national river of China and represents one of the colors of it’s flag. d.It flows to the east into the Yellow Sea 3.Identify the Chang Jiang on the map. - 6.30 XYSZ X Y Z S 4. What is the Chang Jiang also known as? – 6.30 a.Huang He c. China’s Sorrow b.Yellow River d. Yangtze River 5. Which river in China is the 3 rd longest in the world? – 6.30 a.Amazon River c. Yellow River b.Yangtze River d. Nile River 7.Extended Response on half sheet of paper. Explain how Buddhism and Hinduism developed. 5 mins – write many details about each. 50 click here to start timer 6.What is the difference between an aristocrat and a tenant farmer? a.An aristocrat rents land from a tenant farmer b.A tenant farmer rents land from an aristocrat c.An aristocrat lives out of the city, whereas farmers live in the city d.A tenant farmer is a wealthy landowner, opposite of an aristocrat

3 Extended Response on half sheet of paper. Explain how Buddhism and Hinduism developed. Buddhism was started by a man named Siddartha Gautama. He walked around his kingdom and saw too many people suffering. He wanted to create a solution to all the suffering in the world, so he created the Four Noble Truths so others would understand why they were suffering. Then he created the Eightfold Path which, if they did all eight things, would help people desire less and someday reach Nirvana. Hinduism started after the Aryans brought with them the religion of Brahmanism. They believed one should try to live a life as close to the god Brahman as possible. This means trying to live as the god Brahman would want them to live. Once the Aryans mixed with the Indus River Valley people, then their beliefs merged into the stricter caste system and Hinduism emerged. They too tried to live so that in the next life they could reincarnate closer to Brahman.

4 Check your answers

5 1.Why is the Huang He called “China's Sorrow”? – 6.30 a.Economic recessions b.Destruction of resources c.Lives lost to natural disasters d.Geographic restrictions 2.Why is the Huang He the “Yellow River”? – 6.30 a.Named after the yellowish tint deriving from silt. b.The reflection from the sun’s light. c.It is the national river of China and represents one of the colors of it’s flag. d.It flows to the east into the Yellow Sea 3.Identify the Chang Jiang on the map. - 6.30 XYSZ X Y Z S 4. What is the Chang Jiang also known as? – 6.30 a.Huang He c. China’s Sorrow b.Yellow River d. Yangtze River 5. Which river in China is the 3 rd longest in the world? – 6.30 a.Amazon River c. Yellow River b.Yangtze River d. Nile River House Question is… 6.What is the difference between an aristocrat and a tenant farmer? a.An aristocrat rents land from a tenant farmer b.A tenant farmer rents land from an aristocrat c.An aristocrat lives out of the city, whereas farmers live in the city d.A tenant farmer is a wealthy landowner, opposite of an aristocrat

6 X Y Z S 4. What is the Chang Jiang also known as? – 6.30 a.Huang He c. China’s Sorrow b.Yellow River d. Yangtze River House Question is…

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