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Science Review Panel Meeting Biosphere 2, Tucson, AZ - January 4-5, 2011 Vegetation Phenology and Vegetation Index Products from Multiple Long Term Satellite.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Review Panel Meeting Biosphere 2, Tucson, AZ - January 4-5, 2011 Vegetation Phenology and Vegetation Index Products from Multiple Long Term Satellite."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Review Panel Meeting Biosphere 2, Tucson, AZ - January 4-5, 2011 Vegetation Phenology and Vegetation Index Products from Multiple Long Term Satellite Data Records ESDRs Distribution and User Support Calli Jenkerson ERT, USGS EROS Center NASA MEASURES #NNX08AT05A

2 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey MEaSUREs VIP Distribution and Support January 2011 Calli Jenkerson, ERT USGS EROS Center

3 Distribution and Support  MEaSUREs VIP Client  History  Current State  Plans  MEaSUREs VIP User Support  User Support Model  Plans MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -3-

4 MEaSUREs VIP Client - History YEAR 1Highlight 2009 AprilBegan client development using MOD13C2 and eMODIS as proxies for expected global VI 1km CONUS ESDRs 2009 MayConnected a client to web services that displays map layers and selection functions 2009 JunePerformed first data transfer test Implemented client as an Adobe AIR application 2009 JulyReleased prototype v 0.1.3 Client testing with VIP Science Team Hardware arrived MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -4-

5 MEaSUREs VIP Client - History YEAR TWOHighlight 2009 AugustBegan reporting metrics to ESDS MCT Implemented User Support Model 2009 SeptemberReleased beta operations v 0.2.1 2009 OctoberAttended ESDSWG MPARWG Signed OA between EROS and U Arizona Began working v 0.2.1 zoom bug 2009 November Released beta operations v 0.2.2 Zoom bug fixed for global data sets, but still impacts 1km data sets 2009 DecemberPresented poster at AGU 2010 June Conducted second data transfer test Switched client from Adobe AIR to OpenLayers Zoom bug fixed Delivered ATBD information to PI 2010 July Added beta ESDRs collections to client MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -5-

6 MEaSUREs VIP Client - History YEAR THREEHighlights 2010 AugustReleased beta operations v 0.3.1 2010 OctoberAttended ESDSWG MPARWG MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -6-

7 MEaSUREs VIP Client – Current  Secure Login  OpenLayers Web Application  All available beta ESDR collections  Nominal Metrics Reporting Capabilities MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -7-

8 MEaSUREs VIP Client - Current 1. User interface provides discovery and service selections: product, temporal constraint, geographic constraint, format options, reprojection options. 2. Processing parameters are passed to a production server. 3. Web services pull requested data from a storage disk into the production server. 4. Web services execute processing options on the production server. 5. Web services push requests to the interface for display and desktop download. MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -8-

9 MEaSUREs VIP Client – Current The next slides will track clockwise from upper left corner. MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -9-

10 MEaSUREs VIP Client - Current ESDR Documents: PI Web Site User Manual About Pop-Up MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -10-

11 MEaSUREs VIP Client – Current Menu Bar Icons MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -11-

12 MEaSUREs VIP Client - Current  Map Layers:  Overlays  Selected Area  Place Names  Political Boundaries  Data Collections  ESDR SPOT  ESDR AVHRR  ESDR MODIS  Proxy eMODIS  Proxy MOD13C2 MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -12-

13 MEaSUREs VIP Client - Current  Mini Map:  Delineates the area of interest  Can be used to pan across globe MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -13-

14 MEaSUREs VIP Client - Current Scale Bar:  Meters/Miles  Adjusts to zoom level Cursor Coordinates: Decimal Degrees Tracks cursor location MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -14-

15 MEaSUREs VIP Client - Current  Pan Button  Click arrows to move across image display  Can also engage pan with mouse or keyboard controls  Zoom Button  Click “+” to zoom in, click “-” to zoom out  Click the gridded sphere to restore global view  Can also engage zooming with mouse or keyboard controls  Resume Buttons  Click magnifying glasses to move forward (green arrow) or backward (red arrow) to review images displayed during the client session MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -15-

16 MEaSUREs VIP Client - Current Version 0.3.1 Geographic subsets of ESDR data delivered on the fly in GeoTIFF, JPG, HDF, or NetCDF MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -16-

17 MEaSUREs VIP Client - Plans  Maintain a beta operational distribution system  Maintain client user guide  Provide metrics as defined in the MEaSUREs solicitation  Perform transfer tests as ESDR data are available  Store and distribute intermediate ESDR data as available MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -17-

18 MEaSUREs VIP Client  Questions? MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -18-

19 MEaSUREs User Support  User Support Model  Web Page  User Guides  Workshop Support MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -19-

20 MEaSUREs User Support  User Support Model written and implemented in August 2009, revised in 2010  Based on service standards defined by the NASA DAAC User Services Working Group  Phased approach to match ESDR maturity MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -20-

21 MEaSUREs VIP User Support  User Support Model includes:  Staffing  Interfaces  Response times and formats  Technical expertise  Citations  Privacy regulation  Escalation process  Reporting MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -21-

22 MEaSUREs User Support  Tier 1:  General user inquiries on system use and basic product characteristics  Engaged when ESDRs become publicly available through the DAAC MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -22-

23 MEaSUREs VIP User Support  Tier 2:  Primary support during ESDR development and review  Advanced ESDR response  Metrics  Web Page updates  Workshop support  System troubleshooting  Tier 3: Principal Investigator  Expert ESDR response MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -23-

24  General ESDR description  ESDR User Guide  Client User Guide  Citation information  User Services Contact information  Link to PI site  Needs update MEaSUREs VIP User Support MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -24-

25 MEaSUREs VIP User Support - Plans  Update EROS Web pages  Continue Tier 2 support  Begin training LP DAAC User Services staff as ESDR collections are completed MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -25-

26 MEaSUREs VIP User Support  Questions? MEASURES VIP ESDRs Science Review Panel -26-

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