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Go to View > Header & Footer to edit February 19, 2016 | slide 1 RSCs – Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning JISC.

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Presentation on theme: "Go to View > Header & Footer to edit February 19, 2016 | slide 1 RSCs – Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning JISC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Go to View > Header & Footer to edit February 19, 2016 | slide 1 RSCs – Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning JISC RSC South West eSafety June 2011 eResponsibility

2 Why are you here? 1.Safeguarding is a Limiting Grade at Ofsted 2.Worried about Learners online behaviour 3.Staff skills don’t match learner savvy 4.Already got a problem with Social Networking 5.Worried you might get sued 6.Unclear advice on risk and responsibility 7.Use of personal devices to bypass filtering 8.Professional/Digital Reputation

3 Web 2 and 3 Adults? ICT –Download –Consume –Corporate –Separate media –Static Young people? Web 2-3 –Upload –Create –Personalise –Converged media –Interactive

4 eResponsibility In the post-16 sector online safety must be a two-way process  Learners learn digital values to protect themselves and each other  Staff need the skills to protect their learners and guidance for their own professional reputation  Organisations must re-assess the real risks to their own staff and learners through consultation  Legal requirements and professional standards apply and must be evidenced and monitored Go to View > Header & Footer to edit February 19, 2016 | slide 4

5 Where do you start?  Strategic Approach –Whole organisation – reflect this in the committee, policies and staff development and learner induction  Self Assessment –Across current practice and plan priorities  Real Risk Assessment –Balancing with benefits of technology in teaching –Consult staff and learners and manage their skills  Expert Advice –JISC Legal Themed area –Inspection and Quality Assurance Go to View > Header & Footer to edit February 19, 2016 | slide 5

6 Go to View > Header & Footer to edit February 19, 2016 | slide 6

7 eSafety - Julia Taylor JISC RSC SW E-safety NING group 07758778962 eResponsibility

8 Resources  Further resources Go to View > Header & Footer to edit February 19, 2016 | slide 8


10 eSafety Induction Social Networking Email Chatrooms and IM Cyberbullying Mobile phones

11 ThinkYouKnow



14 Staff Skills  Epict esafety awareness certificate   iSafely EDI  iSafe online  CEOP ambassadors training   ThinkYouKnow SEN and BSL videos

15 RSC Resources  RSC East Midlands – Course and eSafety NewsCourse –Tutors/managers Identity Theft  RSC South East – Ofsted and legal adviceOfsted  RSC Scotland SE – Scenarios, flowchartScenarios Senior Managers and section heads  JISC Legal - Legal perspectiveLegal perspective –Policies, Top Tips and Multi-media

16 Other Resources  Display AUP InformantInformant  LanSchool classroom management or timetabling LanSchool  ThinkUknow SEN Materials get help BSLSENget help BSL  ‘SuperHero’ Animations on esafetyesafety RSC SW eSafety NING Content Matrix audit tool Digital FootprintContent Matrix udit toolDigital Footprint Cornwall College Learner InductionLearner Induction




20 Digital Identity

21 Me and my (web) Shadow February 19, 2016 | slide 21

22 Digital Identity fears-for-generation-facebook&src=IE- SearchBox&FORM=IE8SRC

23 Digital Reputation February 19, 2016 | slide 23

24 JISCLegal advice February 19, 2016 | slide 24

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