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Researching. You will be researching the topic you selected for writing your opinion paper. You will see if what you think is the same that the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Researching. You will be researching the topic you selected for writing your opinion paper. You will see if what you think is the same that the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Researching

2 You will be researching the topic you selected for writing your opinion paper. You will see if what you think is the same that the world is thinking through your research essay.

3 Don’t worry!! Ms. Holder and Mrs. Katresa are here with the KYVL (Kentucky Virtual Library) to help!!

4 Your first task is to locate some basic information about your topic. So let’s get started! 1

5 Log on to the computer and then type this address in the address bar: The page that appears should look like this:

6 On the left side of the screen click on “Middle School Students”

7 Your screen should now look like this: At this screen click on “Student Research Center”

8 If you try to access KYVL at home you will see this screen and will need to enter the user ID and password. Our username and password are: ID: monroe0001 and Password: marlin64

9 If your screen looks like this: You have made it to your research destination!!!!

10 From this wondrous location you can find all the information about your topic!!! Let me show you how!!!

11 All you have to do is type in the specific information you are looking for in the box and click “search.” The data base will then list all the information it has on your topic!!

12 Don’t forget to use your Boolean operators!!! And--narrows your search to find items that contain both keywords Or--broadens your search to find items related to both keywords Not--narrows your search by excluding items containing the keyword that follows

13 Next, select the type of information you want to view by clicking on the photos!!

14 After the search engine has generated a list of articles click on “HTML Full Text” or “PDF Full Text” to view the entire article. If neither option is listed then the data base cannot provide you with the entire article.

15 Good luck!! And remember, if you get stuck or have questions ask Ms. Holder and Mrs. Katresa. That’s why we are here!

16 References KYVL.(n.d.). Retrieved July 22, 2006 from Student Research Center by EBSCO Host. EBSCO Publishing, Ipswich, MA. Retrieved July 22, 2006 via

17 Let’s try it!

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