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Farewell adieu. absorb fully; blend in assimilate.

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Presentation on theme: "Farewell adieu. absorb fully; blend in assimilate."— Presentation transcript:

1 farewell adieu

2 absorb fully; blend in assimilate

3 a control panel console

4 to wander about, zigzag meander

5 peak, summit, highest point apex

6 unreasonably high, expensive exorbitant

7 fake, counterfeit bogus

8 defame, vilify, badmouth; evil malign

9 arrival advent

10 a long, angry speech, harangue tirade

11 very important momentous

12 thoughtful, dreamy, contemplative pensive

13 hobo, tramp, idle wanderer vagrant

14 dangerous perilous

15 lacking in seriousness; disrespectful flippant

16 urge, push, spur impel

17 Lively, full of life, animated sprightly

18 melancholy, sorrowful, sad doleful

19 interval, time between; temporary interim

20 noisy; unruly, wild, rowdy obstreperous

21 cranky, grouchy surly

22 farewell adieu

23 absorb fully; blend in assimilate

24 a large city metropolis

25 to wander about, zigzag meander

26 peak, summit, highest point apex

27 fake, counterfeit bogus

28 to overflow; to overwhelm inundate

29 a large city metropolis

30 arrival advent

31 a kingdom; domain realm

32 defame, vilify, badmouth; evil malign

33 lacking in seriousness; disrespectful flippant

34 to comfort console

35 enlarge, expand dilate

36 sureness, a pledge assurance

37 resistance to disease immunity

38 rubbish, trash dross

39 a small room, enclosure, hole-in-the- wall cubicle

40 sanatorium; sanctuary asylum

41 to establish, set up institute

42 furious, violently intense rabid

43 handicap, something disadvantageous liability

44 ridiculous, senseless preposterous

45 a risky or daring undertaking, gamble venture

46 revitalize, renew rejuvenate

47 quarrelsome, fond of fighting pugnacious

48 first-rate, outstanding sterling

49 to reward, pay, reimburse remunerate

50 An organization for the promotion of learning institute

51 to comfort console

52 irregularity, abnormality warp

53 diminish, decrease dwindle

54 sureness, a pledge assurance

55 vend, distort, misshape warp

56 a kingdom; domain realm

57 disbelieving, skeptical, dubious, mistrustful incredulous

58 with a harsh, grating sound, scratchy rasping

59 flimsy; of poor quality shoddy

60 to overflow; to overwhelm inundate

61 to pretend, fake, sham feign

62 representative from a government envoy

63 forthright, frank, unbiased candid

64 reserve, accessory, aid auxiliary

65 to elevate, raise, increase in intensity escalate

66 a pail scuttle

67 work that is hard and tiresome drudgery

68 talent, skill, knack, aptitude flair

69 causing sorrow or pain, painful grievous

70 crowd, mass, swarm horde

71 prediction of an outcome of a disease or situation prognosis

72 composed of different kinds, diverse heterogeneous

73 a means to an end; advantageous expedient

74 to write or engrave; to enter a name on a list inscribe

75 a speech by one actor monologue

76 to pretend, fake, sham feign

77 to sink a ship by cutting holes in it scuttle

78 offensive, odious, revolting repugnant

79 With a harsh, grating sound, scratchy rasping

80 abandon, discard, scrap scuttle

81 additional, back-up auxiliary

82 absorb fully; blend in assimilate

83 a control panel console

84 to wander about, zigzag meander

85 peak, summit, highest point apex

86 unreasonably high, expensive exorbitant

87 fake, counterfeit bogus

88 defame, vilify, badmouth; evil malign

89 arrival advent

90 a long, angry speech, harangue tirade

91 very important momentous

92 thoughtful, dreamy, contemplative pensive

93 hobo, tramp, idle wanderer vagrant

94 dangerous perilous

95 lacking in seriousness; disrespectful flippant

96 urge, push, spur impel

97 Lively, full of life, animated sprightly

98 melancholy, sorrowful, sad doleful

99 interval, time between; temporary interim

100 noisy; unruly, wild, rowdy obstreperous

101 cranky, grouchy surly

102 farewell adieu

103 absorb fully; blend in assimilate

104 a large city metropolis

105 to wander about, zigzag meander

106 peak, summit, highest point apex

107 fake, counterfeit bogus

108 to overflow; to overwhelm inundate

109 a large city metropolis

110 arrival advent

111 a kingdom; domain realm

112 defame, vilify, badmouth; evil malign

113 lacking in seriousness; disrespectful flippant

114 to comfort console

115 enlarge, expand dilate

116 sureness, a pledge assurance

117 resistance to disease immunity

118 rubbish, trash dross

119 a small room, enclosure, hole-in-the- wall cubicle

120 sanatorium; sanctuary asylum

121 to establish, set up institute

122 furious, violently intense rabid

123 handicap, something disadvantageous liability

124 ridiculous, senseless preposterous

125 a risky or daring undertaking, gamble venture

126 revitalize, renew rejuvenate

127 quarrelsome, fond of fighting pugnacious

128 first-rate, outstanding sterling

129 to reward, pay, reimburse remunerate

130 An organization for the promotion of learning institute

131 to comfort console

132 irregularity, abnormality warp

133 diminish, decrease dwindle

134 sureness, a pledge assurance

135 vend, distort, misshape warp

136 a kingdom; domain realm

137 disbelieving, skeptical, dubious, mistrustful incredulous

138 with a harsh, grating sound, scratchy rasping

139 flimsy; of poor quality shoddy

140 to overflow; to overwhelm inundate

141 to pretend, fake, sham feign

142 representative from a government envoy

143 forthright, frank, unbiased candid

144 reserve, accessory, aid auxiliary

145 to elevate, raise, increase in intensity escalate

146 a pail scuttle

147 work that is hard and tiresome drudgery

148 talent, skill, knack, aptitude flair

149 causing sorrow or pain, painful grievous

150 crowd, mass, swarm horde

151 prediction of an outcome of a disease or situation prognosis

152 composed of different kinds, diverse heterogeneous

153 a means to an end; advantageous expedient

154 to write or engrave; to enter a name on a list inscribe

155 a speech by one actor monologue

156 to pretend, fake, sham feign

157 to sink a ship by cutting holes in it scuttle

158 offensive, odious, revolting repugnant

159 With a harsh, grating sound, scratchy rasping

160 abandon, discard, scrap scuttle

161 additional, back-up auxiliary

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