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DO NOW :Pick up Note Sheet Copy Topic and Objective Topic: Protestant Reformation & Catholic Counter- Reformation (Ch. 14 Sections 3 & 4) Objectives:

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2 DO NOW :Pick up Note Sheet Copy Topic and Objective Topic: Protestant Reformation & Catholic Counter- Reformation (Ch. 14 Sections 3 & 4) Objectives: SWBAT will be able to explain the causes and effects of the Protestant Reformation. SWBAT explain the reforms that took place during the Catholic Counter-Reformation.

3  PROTESTant REFORMation people protested the church and wanted to reform it  Prior to the Reformation all Christians were Roman Catholic


5 Puritan Hugeunots Presbyterian

6  Martin Luther  John Calvin  Henry VIII

7  Why Reform? People (Protesters) Say…. because… I - Indulgences are sold M - Merchants want usury (charging interest) A -Absolute wealth and power of the church (Worldliness)– the church is involved in politics; clergy lives lavishly D - Domination of the church by Italians (angers Germans, English)

8 F aith saves people - not good works “The Righteous shall by his faith” - Catholic church = salvation by following church U ltimate authority for Christians = Bible - Catholic Church = Pope is Ultimate Authority N obody is more important in God’s eyes; laity is equal to clergy - In the Catholic Church = hierarchy. F aith saves people - not good works “The Righteous shall by his faith” - Catholic church = salvation by following church U ltimate authority for Christians = Bible - Catholic Church = Pope is Ultimate Authority N obody is more important in God’s eyes; laity is equal to clergy - In the Catholic Church = hierarchy. Writes 95 Theses – Complaints

9  Some Local German Churches accepted Luther’s ideas  Pope excommunicates Luther  Lutheranism was formed  Luther writes the Bible in German  Supported by German Princes who issued a formal “protest” against the Church for suppressing the reforms  30 Year War between the Holy Roman Empire (Charles V – Catholic emperor) and Protestant Princes in the North of Germany

10 Calvinism : John Calvin Switzerland POW P redestination -God chooses who goes to heaven (receives salvation) - you don’t get there by good works O ur moral lives reveal (but do not decide) if we are chosen by God Q: What does Calvin say gets people to heaven? W ork ethic that honors God Geneva – leads a theocratic society DQ: Can you give an example of a theocratic government today?

11  Foreknowledge  God knows everything that will happen in your life  Purified approach to life:  No drinking, swearing, card playing, gambling etc..  Work ethic & discipline important


13 DAD D ivorce: Henry wants one but Pope says NO. Q: Which letter of IMAD probably made Henry mad? A nglican Church – Henry is in charge – no pope D id away with Catholic Church’s land &wealth in England Henry’s Church just like Catholic but no Pope -Protestants mad - try to make church not at all Catholic -Catholics mad - try to make church not at all Protestant - Elizabeth I - Henry’s daughter compromises; combines Catholic styles with Protestant teachings -Elizabeth I makes Anglican Church the official church of all of Great Britain

14  Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation Want to stop the spread of Protestantism

15 Look at what the Catholic Church did (SINS) in the Counter Reformation. What things do you agree with? What things do you disagree with? EXPLAIN. Hand in before end of class

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