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A BIGAIL A DAMS By savannah walton. E ARLY LIFE EXPERIENCES I Abigail Adams was born November 11,1744, to the Reverend William and Elizabeth Quincy Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "A BIGAIL A DAMS By savannah walton. E ARLY LIFE EXPERIENCES I Abigail Adams was born November 11,1744, to the Reverend William and Elizabeth Quincy Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 A BIGAIL A DAMS By savannah walton

2 E ARLY LIFE EXPERIENCES I Abigail Adams was born November 11,1744, to the Reverend William and Elizabeth Quincy Smith. I has her brother William and my two sisters Elizabeth and Mary, near Boston in Weymouth, Massachusetts. I was not allowed to go to school because my mom said “no”. Me as a young lady.

3 O CCUPATION /( JOB ) I was a farmer. I managed animals, land, money, and took care of my children. This was me when I was working.

4 G OALS I felt a country fighting for independence should not have slaves. Also, women should have the same rights as men. I wrote these requests to John Adams (my husband) hoping he would include them in the laws he was helping write. Me as a old lady.

5 A CCOMPLISHMENTS I accomplished that women can vote in elections. Women are free and independent. Also, there are no more slaves. Try until you get it done. I was so happy when I accomplish my goals.

6 I NTERESTING FACTS I liked to write letters. I was the first presidents wife to live in the White House. I only hung laundry in the main room. I entertained many important people. I had people have dinner with me. My letters to John were so amazing.

7 L ESSON I LEARNED The lesson I learned is everyone should be treated free and independent. People should not be treated like slaves. I learned a lesson from Abigail Adams.

8 SOURCES Abigail Adams Wallner Alexandra,2001 They made a Revolution;1776,1973 pg 36-49


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