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Chris Croft Management Trainer, Poole Interesting ideas to think aboutThings I’ll do, or try Make notes! 9.00 Leadership Chris.

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Presentation on theme: "Chris Croft Management Trainer, Poole Interesting ideas to think aboutThings I’ll do, or try Make notes! 9.00 Leadership Chris."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chris Croft Management Trainer, Poole Interesting ideas to think aboutThings I’ll do, or try Make notes! 9.00 Leadership Chris Croft Training

2 The Captain of The Ship 9.00 Leadership Chris Croft Training He cares about the customers He cares about quality He’s in touch with his people He’s got the biggest muscles and is prepared to get his hands dirty …but is he any good as a captain?

3 The Captain of The Ship – what SHOULD he be doing? 9.00 Leadership Chris Croft Training Vision Systems People Doesn’t sound like a full time job does it? Only four exceptions Emergencies (kick self!) MBWA B2tF Working Captain

4 Tannenbaum and Schmidt’s Management Continuum 9.00 Leadership Chris Croft Training It’s all about control But how much to keep and how much to give away??

5 Tannenbaum and Schmidt’s Management Continuum 9.00 Leadership Chris Croft Training Tell Sell Consult Share Delegate Abdicate Empower Monitor and Support No Monitoring and No Support No Monitoring, but Support

6 Tannenbaum and Schmidt’s Management Continuum 9.00 Leadership Chris Croft Training Tell Sell Consult Share Delegate Abdicate Empower Less control More Motivation Time X X X But which one to use??

7 Motivated Not motivated Competent Not competent Why would they be in this box? Leadership Chris Croft Training

8 Motivated Not motivated Competent Not competent New starter Why would they be in this box? Leadership Chris Croft Training

9 Motivated Not motivated Competent Not competent New starterExperienced Why would they be in this box? Leadership Chris Croft Training

10 Motivated Not motivated Competent Not competent New starter Square peg no C  no M no C  ignored Experienced Why would they be in this box? Leadership Chris Croft Training

11 Motivated Not motivated Competent Not competent New starter Square peg no C  no M no C  ignored Experienced Bored Mismanaged Wasted Leadership What shall we do with them? Chris Croft Training

12 Motivated Not motivated Competent Not competent 1 Instruct Direct Tell. 2 Delegate. 3Sack them! Work with them Coach Explain Encourage Praise. It’s worth it 4 Use their knowledge to motivate them: Involve Consult Thank. Delegate?? Leadership Chris Croft Training Em

13 Motivated Not motivated Competent Not competent 1 Instruct Direct Tell 2 Delegate 3 Coach Explain Encourage 4 Involve Consult Leadership Chris Croft Training Em Leadership and the one minute manager

14 Motivated Not motivated Competent Not competent 1 Instruct Direct Tell 2 Delegate 3 Coach Explain Encourage 4 Involve Consult Leadership Chris Croft Training Em

15 Motivated Not motivated Competent Not competent 1 Instruct Direct Tell 2 Delegate 3 Coach Explain Encourage 4 Involve Consult Leadership Chris Croft Training Em

16 Motivated Not motivated Competent Not competent 1 Instruct Direct Tell 2 Delegate 3 Coach Explain Encourage 4 Involve Consult Leadership Chris Croft Training Em Tech 1:1 PMPM +£ £40k £30k £20k PM

17 The Responsibility Virus – by Roger Martin 9.00 Leadership Chris Croft Training Boss (Inspirational Leader): “We’re going this way” Subordinate: “Tell me what to do” Boss: “You’re clueless” Subordinate: “How do I do this?” Boss: “This is how you do it” Subordinate: “I’ll ask you every time”

18 The Responsibility Virus – by Roger Martin (enhanced by me) 9.00 Leadership Chris Croft Training 9 Full responsibility – free to act, no reporting or checking 8 Consider options and make decision – report afterwards 7 Share decision with boss, as equals 6 Provide options to boss along with recommendation 5 Generate options for boss, who will then choose 4 Describe problem to boss and ask for help in how to solve it 3 Ask boss to solve problem – but will learn for next time 2 Drop problem on bosses desk and signal helplessness 1 No responsibility – wait until told, do what they’re told Empower Delegate Share Tell Consult Coach

19 Chris Croft Training Leadership Daily Management By Walking About Half an hour of ‘getting ahead of the game’ time in your diary (this might be thinking, or doing something like investigating a problem, improving a system, etc) Jobs to do list at end of day Weekly Thank everyone who works for you, one to one, for something definable that they have done Team meeting – just half an hour One to one coaching of one person per week Time planning: transfer from your master list to your diary for next week What should a “Captain” actually DO, then? Daily Weekly Monthly & Yearly

20 Chris Croft Training Leadership Monthly Review each person’s progress relative to the goals set at their appraisal Project progress review meetings for each project Do a motivation review: sit and think about each person: are they motivated, what challenges have they been given, do they each have ownership of something, what are they learning, what coaching might they need? Yearly Appraisals of every person who works for you Ask the people who work for you “How can I be a better boss?” Address the troops as one large group, on past present and future Do between a day and a week of “Back to the Floor” Review your personal goals and life quality – are you enjoying your work, what’s your stress level etc Go on a course of some sort – get some new ideas Read a book on the subject of your work (management, selling, negotiating, etc)

21 Chris Croft Training The End Tip of the month… Free For ever Never repeats Leadership

22 Chris Croft Training The End Tip of the month… Free For ever Never repeats Leadership

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