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By Team 7: Angie Ip Deneil Joseph Julia Yeung.

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1 By Team 7: Angie Ip Deneil Joseph Julia Yeung



4 What is the μPic Tablet? Sleek, Modern, Advanced, Innovative Touch-screen with both Wi-Fi & 4G Connection Includes an e-reader, FaceTalk, 16-megapixel camera with 8X Zoom, 1080p HD Video Quality, password protection & Face Identity Recognition

5 P RODUCT Characteristics 0.25in Thickness, 1.25 lbs, Processor Long Lasting Battery Life Bluetooth, Built-in Speaker, etc. Debut Color – Black & White

6 M AIN F EATURES  Instant connection to social networking sites  Adobe creative suite 5.5 master collection programs included  Lytro Lytro

7 S EGMENTATION The Target Market Who is the customer? Professional Photographers & Designers Kodak – World Leader in Imaging

8 P OINTS OF DIFFERENCE Advanced Photo Customization High Quality Picture & Video Taking Ability Instant Access with Kodak & Social Networking Sites

9 StrengthsWeaknesses  Kodak Tablet is portable  Easy to use, features are simple and operation with easy sharing features  Compatible with any Kodak camera model  Provides only its picture taking feature as an advantage compared to other tablets in the market  Not compatible with non-Kodak cameras OpportunitiesThreats  Only tablet that focuses entirely on photography  Only tablet with the ability to create & order prints/albums/books directly from Kodak  Ability to directly upload onto social networking sites  Creates a new opportunity for business users to engage with others  Increase competition from competitors may reduce our market share  Other companies can develop a tablet that adopts the µPic’s picture customization feature in the future  Creates new challenges for firms to be very sensitive with information, due to privacy concerns

10 N EW P RODUCTS & L INE E XTENSION More colors will be available & special designs included Line extensions –for the price-concerned consumer—different sizes and different features available for the 2 other types of tablets available

11 L INE E XTENSIONS 16-megapixel camera, no flash 16GB or 32GB memory Instant connect button to all sites and Kodak Easy Share Adobe Photoshop 1024 x 768 resolutions 16-megapixel camera with flash 32GB or 48GB memory Instant connect button to all sites and Kodak Easy Share Acrobat X Pro for Creative Suite Software- Design Premium 1024 x 768 resolutions Mono speakers

12 L INE E XTENSIONS 16-megapixel camera with flash 48GB or 64GB memory 1024 x 768 resolutions Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Master Collection with Easy Share button features Stereo Speakers with Clear Phase™ and xLoud™ technologies Full-size SD card slot; No adapters needed to transfer data Mini-USB port built-in Wrap-around design shifts tablet’s weight to your palm making it feel lighter

13 B RAND E XTENSION Includes: Applications Kodak Tablet Headphones Lightweight, comfortable, designed for deep bass, and listening to music on the go; eliminates ambient sounds that interfere with the listening experience Kodak Tablet Printers Automatic connection to the tablet and the user can print out the same quality photo on their own

14 P RICE The μPic A - $198 The μPic B - $224.99 The μPic C - $249.99 ~Price Lining

15 P RICE D ISCOUNTS Discounts on holidays (Black Friday & After-Christmas Sale) Special discounts sent through direct mail to frequent customers of Kodak Professional Photographers & Designers will receive a special discount, if they use Kodak frequently No Geographical Price Adjustments

16 P LACE S TRATEGY Retail Distribution Indirect Channel (Consumer Goods & Services) Electronic Marketing Channel ( Kodak (Producer) Retailer (Best Buy, J&R, PC Richards) Consumer (YOU)

17 P ROMOTION Advertising : TV, radio, newspapers Sales Promotion: Offer coupons and discounts Direct Marketing Mail – Brochures Publicity (Public Relations) : Product launches

18 F INANCIAL A NALYSIS Financial ElementCost EachTotal after 4 Years Number of μPic A Sold $19849,495 tablets Number of μPic B Sold $224.99975,150 tablets Number of μPic C Sold $249.994,075,000 tablets Total Net Sales $1,266,083,760 total Sales Total Advertising Costs Varies Each Year$13,600,000 Variable Costs $40 each-$206,985,800 Fixed Costs $220,000-$880,000 Total Profit+1,040,117,960

19 C ONCLUSION The µPic Tablet changes the way people see images Kodak makes a profit for each one sold and does not sacrifice quality for its users Create a long-term relationship with its customers, due to many opportunities that it will create Raises Kodak’s brand as the world leader in capturing the memories, you want to share with the world


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