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ECCV Tutorial Mesh Processing Discrete Exterior Calculus

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Presentation on theme: "ECCV Tutorial Mesh Processing Discrete Exterior Calculus"— Presentation transcript:

1 ECCV Tutorial Mesh Processing Discrete Exterior Calculus
Bruno Lévy INRIA - ALICE

2 Motivations Global parameterization methods
[Ray] [Gu & Yau] [Tong]

3 Differential Geometrie to the rescue: Differential Atlas
Work in coordinate charts ...

4 Frustration with coordinate charts
IP =  x  u 2  v Lots of computations ! Handling charts is a hassle

5 Exterior Calculus to the rescue ...
Invented by Elie Cartan Pinkall & Polthier Gu & Yau Desbrun & Schroeder, DEC, DDG Joy of EC (Google search it)

6 The Fundamental Theorem
(classic) (EC version)

7 The Fundamental Theorem
(EC version) dw = exterior derivative of w ddw = 0 w is a k-form 0-form : functions 1-forms : vector fields 2-forms : functions integrated on surfaces  : integration domain ; ∂ = border of 

8 The Fundamental Theorem Example 1
(Divergence theorem) Ostrogradsky-Gauss

9 The Fundamental Theorem Example 2
(the plain old fundamental theorem) ∂ a- b+ a b

10 Importance of Borders Homology: C1 and C2 are the border of smthg.

11 Importance of Borders Homology: C1 and C2 are the border of smthg.

12 Homology basis [Closed loops / Borderism]
like a vector basis for linear spaces ... ... each loop can be decomposed as a sum of those

13 Duality The fundamental theorem (again !) alternative notation :

14 More Duality

15 Co-homology [Closed forms / Exact forms]
Consequence: their integral on any closed curve  match:

16 [Gu and Yau's] method

17 [Gu and Yau] in a nutshell
Capture object's topology (homology) Construct function space (co-homology) Optimize function (2g coordinates to find) Integrate homolorphic complex potential (i.e. from gradients to coordinates)

18 Streamlines and beyond
Anisotropic Polygonal Remeshing [Alliez 03] can we do a continuous version of this ?

19 Streamlines and beyond Global contouring, [Ni], [Dong]

20 Periodic Global Parameterization
cos(q) sin(q) q U =

21 Periodic Global Parameterization
Optimizes alignment with curvature tensor Demo

22 Modified Tutte condition [Steiner & Fischer]
"Translational" (affine) Differential manifold

23 Modified Tutte condition [Tong et. al]
"Translational + rot90" (complex) Differential manifold

24 Discrete Exterior Calculus (DEC)
Discretize equations on a mesh Simple Rigorous [Harrisson], [Mercat], [Hirani], [Arnold], [Desbrun] Based on k-forms

25 Overview This tutorial
1. Introduction 2. Differential Geometry on Meshes Mesh Parameterization 3. Functions on Meshes Exterior Calculus h h50: Coffee Break Discrete Exterior Calculus 4. Spectral Mesh Processing 5. Numerics

26 Exterior Calculus Reminder
Functions over arbitrary manifolds k-forms (functions, vector fields) exterior derivative border operator

27 The Fundamental Theorem Reminder 1
(Divergence theorem) Ostrogradsky-Gauss

28 The Fundamental Theorem Reminder 2
(the plain old fundamental theorem) ∂ a- b+ a b

29 k-forms mesh dual mesh

30 0-forms -4.6 5.1 -7.5 3.5 3.5 -2.7 0.2 5

31 1-forms -4.6 -7.5 5.1 -5.3 0.3 -4.8 8.1 -2.7 3.5 0.2 3.5 5

32 2-forms 2.1 3.1 3.4 -5.9 4.7 3.2 6.2 -1.4 -1.6 3.8 2.7

33 dual 0-forms 6.2 0.6 -1.6 1.5 2.7 -4.7 -7.1 -0.1 -2.2 -4.6 0.5 1.6 -4.3 -6.6 -5.2 -3.3 -4.6

34 dual 1-forms 4.3 -6 -4.6 3.5 -4.6 5.6 2.2 3.6 0.1 5.5 -4.6 -1.2 -2.6 -0.6 0.6 1.2

35 dual 2-forms 3.2 -5.9 2.1 6.2 3.1 3.4 -1.6 3.8 2.7

36 Hodge star *0 from to term 0-forms dual 2-forms |*i| i mesh dual mesh

37 |*ij|/|ij| = cot(β)+cot(β’)
Hodge star *1 from to term 1-forms dual 1-forms |*ij|/|ij| = cot(β)+cot(β’) β i *ij j mesh dual mesh β’

38 Exterior derivative d from to term 0-forms 1-forms df (ij) = fi - fj d
Oriented connectivity of the mesh: d i j k l ij -1 +1 jk ki il lj f fi fj fk fl l i k j

39 DEC Laplacian In DEC the Laplacian is *0-1 dT *1 d 0-form (function) f

40 DEC Laplacian In DEC the Laplacian is *0-1 dT *1 d d (fj-fi)
1-form (gradient) df 0-form (function) f d (fj-fi)

41 *1 DEC Laplacian In DEC the Laplacian is *0-1 dT *1 d d
1-form (gradient) df 0-form (function) f d (cot(β)+cot(β’)) (fj-fi) *1 dual 1-form (cogradient) *df

42 dual 0-form (integrated laplacian) d*df
DEC Laplacian In DEC the Laplacian is *0-1 dT *1 d 1-form (gradient) df 0-form (function) f d Σ (cot(β)+cot(β’)) (fj-fi) *1 dT dual 0-form (integrated laplacian) d*df dual 1-form (cogradient) *df

43 *0-1 *1 DEC Laplacian In DEC the Laplacian is *0-1 dT *1 d d dT Σ*i
0-form (function) f 0-form (pointwise laplacian) *-1d*df 1-form (gradient) df d Σ*i (cot(β)+cot(β’)) (fj-fi) *0-1 *1 |*i| dT dual 0-form (integrated laplacian) d*df dual 1-form (cogradient) *df

44 DEC Laplacian i b a j aij = 2 (cotan a + cotan b) / (Ai Aj)

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