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By Tera Hutto And Devin Ciccheto. What testimonial advertising is… In advertising, most companies use testimonials. That's when a person (sometimes a.

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Presentation on theme: "By Tera Hutto And Devin Ciccheto. What testimonial advertising is… In advertising, most companies use testimonials. That's when a person (sometimes a."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Tera Hutto And Devin Ciccheto

2 What testimonial advertising is… In advertising, most companies use testimonials. That's when a person (sometimes a celebrity) endorses a product. When companies give out pamphlets about their product, sometimes the brochure will have comments by people who are bragging about the product and giving reasons to purchase it. Example : Lebrun James’ quote encourages the consumer to believe that Nike athletic shoes won’t let the average Joe be disappointed in a basketball game



5 Has a quote by Allie Reynolds endorsing product Makes consumer believe gum helps him during a tense baseball game The woman in the lower right corner of the picture claims the product helps her too By using two testimonials of celebrities of the day, it encourages the consumer to purchase their product

6 Video example of testimonial advertising

7 Sources o1PuuXo&safety_mode=true&persist_saf ety_mode=1 o1PuuXo&safety_mode=true&persist_saf ety_mode=1 nvesting/CNBC/TVReports/NikeStarEnd orsements.aspx nvesting/CNBC/TVReports/NikeStarEnd orsements.aspx ports/baseball/images/memorabilia/rey nolds- beechnut.JPG&imgrefurl= /memorabilia.htm&usg=__S7oeoPbagOz vw_92OOjtpMtxXY4=&h=464&w=384&s z=24&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=kj1 bBzwuYO6U- M:&tbnh=118&tbnw=109&ei=6mlZTaSeH NGztweivbGHDQ&prev=/images%3Fq% 3Dtestimonial%2Badvertising%2Bexamp les%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3 Dactive%26sa%3DX%26rlz%3D1R2RNR N_enUS415%26biw%3D796%26bih%3D3 71%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=r c&dur=453&oei=x2lZTcHaBYrLtgea5ZGv DQ&page=1&ndsp=9&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0 &tx=74&ty=40

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