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Growing a WILD NYC October 24, 2015. Citizen Science: A Stewardship Opportunity.

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Presentation on theme: "Growing a WILD NYC October 24, 2015. Citizen Science: A Stewardship Opportunity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growing a WILD NYC October 24, 2015

2 Citizen Science: A Stewardship Opportunity

3 Science: Seed growth/germination experiment* Technology: Instant data retrieval & sharing via mobile application Engineering: Illustrating/mapping out garden envisioned for biodiverse habitat Math: Calculations during plant pollinator habitat monitoring Incorporation of STEM

4 Teacher Tool Kit Resources Resources to accompany each session: Sample lessons, protocol guidance materials

5 Pre-Field visit inquiry New Resources

6 Pollinator Plant Habitat Observation Sheet New Resources POLLINATOR / PLANT HABITAT OBSERVATION SHEET Site Name: Date: Start time: Your Name: School: Section 1. Data for abundance (how many pollinators are visiting the patch?) and diversity (how many different types of pollinator groups are visiting the patch? Carpenter Bee Honey BeeBumble BeeGreen Sweat bee Small dark native bee FlyButterfly/ moth WaspHumming birdOther pollinating insect Notes (Pollinator Behavior): Patch 1 List flower species in patch: _______________ Patch 2 List flower species in patch: _______________ Patch 3 List flower species in patch: _______________ Section 2. Baseline environmental conditions and data summary 1. Weather conditions (check all that apply):Just like us pollinators are affected by the weather. Scientists can use this weather data to help predict how weather effects pollinators. Rainy Windy Calm Temperature Sunny Partly Sunny Cloudy Wind Speed PATCH 1PATCH 2PATCH 3 2. Floral density (% patch in bloom) 3. Abundance (total# of insects on flowers) a) 1-minute scan b) 5-minute scan 4. Average visitor Abundance (% average) 5) Group Diversity (# of diff. insect types) 6) Visitation rate (% visit frequency) 7. Soil Moisture (Dry, Moist, or Wet) pH (1-Acidic to 14-Alkaline)

7 Protocol Instructional Guide New Resources

8 Teacher Tool Kit Contributions Resources to accompany each session: Sample lessons, protocol guidance materials

9 Teacher Contributions Cheeto pollination experiment

10 From the Butterfly Project Pollinator Curriculum Guide Teacher Contributions Sorting: Compare and contrast butterflies and bees; NatureWorks: Pollinators, Putting Food on the Table Life cycles: how butterflies change from eggs to mature adults Weather patterns affect migration : Monarch focus

11 Growing a WILD NYC October 24, 2015

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