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Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change Issues for implementing a transdisciplinary approach to coastal planning Copenhagen, 27-28 October 2010

2 Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change Presentation outline : Why implementing a transdisciplinary approach to coastal planning Issues Discussion

3 Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change Coastal zone and coastal zone management Coastal areas as emblematic example of complex systems : –Multiple agents –Conflicts of resources uses –Complex natural processes –Land-ocean interactions –Emergent properties

4 Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change Integrated Coastal Zone Management Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament (2000, for the preparation of a Recommendation adopted on 30 May 2002) –“ICZM is a process that implies a new style of governance, a style that involves and is in partnership with all of the segments of civil society. ICZM solicits the collaboration of all coastal zone stakeholders in the conception and implementation of a development model that is in their mutual interest”

5 Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change Notwithstanding this 30 years history of ICZM: ‘ICZM has not yet fully demonstrate its potential’ (World Bank 2003)

6 Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change Two levels: Institutional and governance issues –International, national, and local levels –Sectorial agencies –Coastal users Epistemological issues –Natural sciences –Social sciences

7 Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change Transdisciplinary approach: –Communicative and collaborative planning to integrate different perspectives, and preferences of the different agents –Researchers, stakeholders, and decision-makers cooperate in the research process –The legitimate setting is provided by the concept of governance

8 Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change Governance A more cooperative process of governing, policy-making, and decision-making, so different from the hierarchical model in which state authorities exterted sovereign control over groups and citizens that make up the civil society (Van Bueren and ten Heuvelhof, 2005)

9 Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change The emergence of transdisciplinarity Mode-2 (Gibbons et al. 1994) Mode-1 Science Mode-2 Science Academic Academic and social Mono-disciplinary Trans- and interdisciplinary Technocratic Participative Certain Uncertain Predictive Explorative

10 Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change The emergence of transdisciplinarity Post-normal science (Funtowicz and Ravezt 1993)

11 Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change CoAST (Collaborative Assessment Support Tools)

12 Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL SYSTEM Stakeholders Decision-makers Policy-makers Ecosystem Structure & Processes Values Views Operational objectives Coastal zone planning Coastal zone management Ecosystem Goods & Services Planning and management alternatives Scenarios Ongoing Adaptive Management Governance MonitoringManagement Public participation Evaluation Through selected indicators DESIGN PHASE DECISION PHASE INTELLIGENCE PHASE

13 Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change Discussion (1) Processes of structuring and taking decisions in complex environments –Normative and prescriptive decision-theory –Development of a framework for knowledge sharing and knowledge co-production –Involvement of all social actors –Scientists needs insights and scientists need to communicate their results –Learning process

14 Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change Discussion (2)

15 Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change Strengths and weaknesses of transdisciplinarity –discussion of transdisciplinarity as a guiding idea in integrated resource management and environmental policy –a discussion of examples of successful cooperation between scientists, resource managers and resource user groups –general epistemological discussion of the concept and its variants

16 Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change Reflections A growing debate on the role of science in contemporary knowledge societies. A key tenet of most of these debates is that science and society are ever more strongly intertwined. Techno-scientific knowledge and products have become crucial to a broad range of economic, social activities Knowledge production is no longer restrained to the classical spaces and places of science, but rather society as an extended ‘laboratory’ in which experimental knowledge is produced in close proximity to and interaction with life-world

17 Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change Open questions (1) Research objects and questions negotiated and developed in transdisciplinary research Different and partly contradictory time regimes structure these investigations Role of the language and communication play in the generation and dissemination of transdisciplinary knowledge

18 Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change Open questions (2) Spaces and places of transdisciplinary knowledge production and how they frame the knowledge produced Forms of collaboration are produced, performed and negotiated in such heterogeneous contexts

19 Methods for assessing current and future coastal vulnerability to climate change Dr. Francesca Santoro Università Ca’ Foscari and Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change Thank you for your attention!

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