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 South Carolina, MS, FL, AL, GA, LO, TX leave  Confederacy established, led by Jefferson Davis  South seized all federal land in South, including arsenals.

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Presentation on theme: " South Carolina, MS, FL, AL, GA, LO, TX leave  Confederacy established, led by Jefferson Davis  South seized all federal land in South, including arsenals."— Presentation transcript:


2  South Carolina, MS, FL, AL, GA, LO, TX leave  Confederacy established, led by Jefferson Davis  South seized all federal land in South, including arsenals and forts, except Ft. Sumter  Lincoln decides to resupply Fort Sumter  Davis decides to take the fort before supply ship arrives  Robert Anderson is asked to surrender the fort on April 12, 1861  33 hours later the fort is wrecked and Anderson surrenders to the Confederate forces  The Civil War has begun


4  After Fort Sumter falls, Lincoln asks for 75,000 volunteers to serve in army for 90 days  The North’s call for troops created a crisis in the Upper South  Many there did not want to secede, but facing a civil war, they felt they had no choice but to leave the Union  Virginia left first, followed by Ark., NC, TN  The Confederacy moved their capital to Richmond, VA

5  WV separated from VA in 1861 and joined Union  To protect Washington, DC, Lincoln imposes martial law in Maryland -military takes control & suspends many rights -suspends habeas corpus, which protects citizens from illegal imprisonment without evidence  The Civil War was the first modern war -Both sides fielded large armies equipped with mass- produced weapons -Railroads and telegraphs ensured rapid communications and troop movements -Hundreds of thousands of soldiers were killed


7  Robert E. Lee was from VA, a confederate state -Lee was offered chance to command Union troops -Lee had spoken against secession and considered slavery to be a “moral and political evil.” -”I cannot raise my hand against my birthplace, my home, my children.”  Many other military officers had to decide also - 313 (1/3) of total resigned to join the confederacy  - 7 of 8 military colleges in the US were in the South  - 3 of 4 US naval officers came from the North  -Also, most of navy’s warships & all but 1 of the country’s shipyards remained in Union control

8  The North had several economic advantages  In 1860, pop. in North was 22,000; South had 9,000 (of which 3,000 were enslaved)  North’s larger population gave it a great advantage in raising & supporting an army  North’s industries gave it an advantage also -90 % of the nation’s factories were in the North -They produced more than 90% of the nation’s clothing, boots, & shoes & 90 % of the nation’s pig iron (unrefined iron), essential for manufacturing weapons and equipment.

9  Both sides produced the food they need  But the South had a problem in distributing food  It had only half as much railroad as the North -Also, it had only 1 line connecting the westerns states to the east – from Memphis to Chattanooga -This made it much easier for Northern forces to disrupt the movement of food & troops

10  North’s financial advantages: - controlled national treasury - continued revenue from tariffs - Northern banks held large reserves of cash, which they lent the government by purchasing bonds  Concern about North’s ability to win war led many people to withdraw their gold & silver from the banks  Without gold & silver from the sale of bonds, the gov’t could not pay its suppliers & troops  So Congress passed Legal Tender Act: created a national currency & allowed gov’t to issue paper money - these paper bills were called greenbacks

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