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June 25, 2013 Wendell Point, Ph.D. Civil Rights Program Consultant 1.

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Presentation on theme: "June 25, 2013 Wendell Point, Ph.D. Civil Rights Program Consultant 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 25, 2013 Wendell Point, Ph.D. Civil Rights Program Consultant 1

2 Presentation Questions to Address: What are the SWaM and DBE Programs and which agencies are authorized to certify companies? Which firms are eligible for the certifications? What are the benefits? What is the certification process for each? How can the GEC assist your firm with the certification process? What is the Web address to learn more about the Virginia MegaProjects? 2

3 What is the Virginia MegaProjects Program? Regional Private Public Partnership (PPP) projects. Bundle of projects include: 495 Express Lanes Dulles MetroRail Phase I I-95 Fourth Lane Widening BRAC Phases I-IV 95 Express Lanes Total project cost ranges is in excess of $5 Billion. Each project has a DBE participation goal. 3

4 Why Certify? To better market your firm via Virginia Department of Minority Business Enterprises' (VDMBE) on-line database to private entities that may be interested in hiring your company. To increase access to work on certain projects with inclusion goals. To gain access to State/local resources. To expand networking opportunities. 4

5 SWaM Program Overview SWaM is the acronym for Small, Women- and Minority- owned businesses. Executive Order 33, August 10, 2006, established the SWaM procurement initiative to enhance business opportunities for small, women-owned, and minority- owned businesses. The 40% state discretionary spending procurement (SWaM) goal is to ensure a level playing field for all small businesses in Virginia. 5

6 SWaM Eligibility Requirements An independently owned and operated business which, together with affiliates, has 250 or fewer employees, or average annual gross receipts of $10 million or less averaged over the previous three years. Service Disabled Veterans are able to obtain certification as a SWaM upon receipt of the “Service Disabled” certification by the Department of Veterans Services and by meeting the eligibility requirements of the SWaM Program. Firms certified by either of the Virginia Minority Supplier Diversity Council or the Women President’s Educational Organization- DC/WBENC are only required to complete the on-line application and submit a copy of the signed on-line application along with its certification letter to complete the process. 6

7 Important SWaM Eligibility Notice! Businesses from the following states are not eligible to participate in the Virginia SWaM Program because of Certification restrictions in their home states: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Iowa, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Mexico, Ohio, Texas, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia Non-Virginia businesses not listed above should be prepared to send their Home State certification as a Small, Woman or Minority-owned business. 7

8 SWaM Application Steps Complete the on-line application for SWaM certification found at: Print, sign, and date the completed application form. Mail the signed application and the required supporting documents to VDMBE within 10 days. Important notice: You must mail your signed application with the required supporting documents or your application will not be processed! 8

9 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program 9

10 DBE Program Overview The Federal Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program exists for companies that are doing business in the transportation sector and are looking to win contracts which are funded by Federal dollars from the US Department of Transportation. Companies typically include heavy construction companies building roads and bridges, engineering firms, railroad industries, Port Authorities, and airport design and airport concessions companies. The DBE Program is governed by the Federal Regulations in 49 CFR 26 and 23. Virginia recognized DBE certifying agencies are MWAA and VDMBE. There is no need to submit an application to both agencies. 10

11 DBE Eligibility Requirements 51% owned and controlled by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals (women and/or minorities). This includes management of daily business operations. Disadvantaged owner(s) must be a U.S. citizen or a lawfully admitted permanent U.S. resident. Firm must meet SBA small business size standards and cannot exceed $22.41 million in average annual gross receipts (3 year average). Firm must be organized as a for-profit business. Home State first (must be certified by home state certifying agency). 11

12 DBE Certification Process Print out and complete the Uniform Certification Application, the Gross Receipts Survey and the Personal Net Worth Statement. Get the Application Form (Affidavit of Certification) and the Personal Net Worth Statement notarized. Collect copies of the supporting documentation on the checklist at the end of the application form. Make sure tax returns are SIGNED. Firms whose home office is located outside of Virginia must first seek DBE certification in their home state! 12

13 DBE Certification Process Cont. Send the application forms package plus supporting documents to either MWAA or VDMBE. This depends on whose Uniform Certification Application you start with! Site visit/interview with principal owner(s). Request for additional information/clarification (if necessary). Render final decision (within 90 days of receipt of full application including additional requested information). 13

14 Web Addresses of Interest Virginia Department of Minority Business Enterprise Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority acting_opportunities/equal_opportunity_programs /ldbe_dbe_certification Virginia Department of Transportation - Prequalification 14

15 Visit these Mega Projects for Contracting Information Dulles Metrorail Extension Project I-495 Capital Beltway HOT Lanes Project Fairfax County Parkway Extension Project I-95 Widening Project 95_fourth_lane_widening.asp 15

16 CONTACT INFORMATION Wendell Point, Ph.D. Phillip Burks Civil Rights Program ConsultantDBE/SWaM Manager - Virginia MegaProjects Program95 Express Lanes 6363 Walker Lane, Ste 5006621 Electronic Dr. # U Alexandria VA 22310 Springfield Va. 22151 (c/o) 540.847.8935(O) 703-839-7228 16


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