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Networking, capacity building and institutional setup.

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1 Networking, capacity building and institutional setup

2 1.Scenario-building workshops in countries –Slovenia, Turkey, Austria –Network of heads of EU EPAs 2.Cooepration with other institutions: –UNEP/GEO-4 (update of global, developing regional component) –ASEF (3 times, pre-conference mind opener) –ENVSEC (Eastern Europe, Central Asia forthcoming) –OSCE ( 6 scenario-buidling workshops forthcoming: EE, CA, WB, Med, Arctic, global) For awerness raising, capacity building, enhancing stakholders participation, regional recomendations, mind opener Downscaling existing global scenarios to country level Windtunelling existing strategies through scenarios Building new scenarios

3 Aims of scenarios exercises with other partners Awareness raising, enhancing stakeholder participation and capacity building: –Countries workshops, regional workshops in cooperation with ENVSEC, EPA network Mind opener – before or during conferences –3 ASEF conferences (scenario building exercises), Bridging the Gap conference 2009 (future cafes) Developing regional recommendations for countries policy makers (ENVSEC, OSCE)

4 III. Use of forward looking information

5 I.Introduction and overview of the knowledge base for FIA II.State of development of FIA components 1.Forward-looking indicators 2.Scenarios 3.Drivers and trends 4.Methods and tools: models 5.Networking, capacity building and institutional set up III. Use of forward looking information Use of forward looking information

6 Use of forward looking information Assessment 1.Land use scenarios – PRELUDE (2005) 2.Pan European Environment: Glimpses into an uncertain future (2007) 3.Environmental trends and perspectives in the Western Balkans: future production and consumption patterns (2010) 4.Contributions to EEA major reports: Pan European report 2007 (Belgrade), SOER 2010 : –Part A: explorative LT (2050) analyses of global megatrends –Part B: thematic assessments (outlook 2020) –Part C: country profiles (include Forward-looking component)

7 PRELUDE PRospective Environmental analysis of Land Use Development in Europe Interactive web tool available on the EEA web site: Theme Environmental scenarios

8 Assessment of assessments approach Environmental trends and perspectives in the Western Balkans: future production and consumption pattern Framwork of analyses

9 BLOSSOM Bridging long term scenarios and strategy analyses – organisation and methods 1st phase: literature review and workshops: potential of sceanrio planning to inform policy making is often under- exploited 2nd phase: role, relevance, practical experiance with institutional arrangements in ocuntries (28 interviews, FI, F, NL, PL, SI, S, SE, UK), in 2010 4 countries added: AU, DE, H, P Country Case studies: governance and administrative context,processes, major studies Crosscutting report in preparation: commonalities, lessons learnt (institutions, mechanisms, processes)

10 Blossom

11 BLOSSOM Ex: United Kingdom United Kingdom

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