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The Romanian most used eLearning solution. AeL- management and presentation of various types of digital content: educational interactive multimedia content.

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Presentation on theme: "The Romanian most used eLearning solution. AeL- management and presentation of various types of digital content: educational interactive multimedia content."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Romanian most used eLearning solution

2 AeL- management and presentation of various types of digital content: educational interactive multimedia content interactive guides exercises simulations and tests The components of AeL are grouped in four categories: the virtual library the virtual class administration report generation

3 The Virtual Class: In a virtual class, the teacher can: control the lesson transfer to students control the interaction level of the pupils with AeL administrate and monitor the tests communicate with the pupils monitor the work screens and the students on-line reports modify the entry parameters of a problem, in order the pupils could observe their influence on the results,

4 The Virtual Library offers: Controlled access to the educational materials (lessons) The possibility to systematic consulting or to search vast volumes with text and multimedia content Content creation by HTML editor Mathematics and chemical formulae Editor of tests and tutorials Editor of glossaries and dictionaries Import – export of educational content from the recognized formats: MS PowerPoint, MS Word, HTML, PDF, RTF, photos and films, SCORM Content adaptation or modification The content organization in courses Creation of the own lessons from the content standard components

5 Testing and Evaluation: AeL permits the electronic testing of the pupils, as well as assistance for grading with: Tests with or without time limit Tests of self-evaluation Assistance for test creation based on predefined models The answers selection and aleatory ordering, by the system, to obtain the maximum possible number of tests referring to a certain theme The generation of the history of activity for each student

6 Administration: With Ael Educational administration component, we can achieve: The administration of the institution organizational structure: the teachers, students, administration personnel, courses, the results obtained etc. Support for the creation and administration of the courses (daily program - timetable) School rooms administration and their graphic description. Automatic and personalized notifications Support for the content monitorship, usage and system efficiency reports and statistics;

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