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By: Zachary Burkhalter.  Macro-enabled workbook Buttons  Formulas Override  Field restrictions.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Zachary Burkhalter.  Macro-enabled workbook Buttons  Formulas Override  Field restrictions."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Zachary Burkhalter

2  Macro-enabled workbook Buttons  Formulas Override  Field restrictions

3  All non-eCATS agencies should start using the new template  Continue to print and send to our office  Types must be separate files




7 W HO IS E NTITLED ? Employees who work the second and third shift, commonly referred to as evening (E) and night shift (N). Part-time employees 50% or greater. AFSCME (H) and IFPTE (C, I, O) employees earning less than $55,000.00 a year. CWA (A, P, R, S) employees earning less than $100,000.00 a year.

8 S HIFT ON THE R EGULAR AFSCME (H) employees who are E or N Automatically calculated There is no need to write in the shift hours on the proof. CWA (A, P, R, S) and IFPTE (C, I, O) in E or N Pre-printed Shift is reduced according to paytime Shift is increased from overtime, if worked on E or N

9 S HIFT ON THE R EGULAR ( CON ’ T ) Things to look for: Salary AFSCME and IFPTE > $55,000.00 CWA > $100,000.00 Bargaining unit and shift indicator If H in E or N, do not add in shift hours If changing from H, E or N, to D zero out shift if not entitled Eligibility No shift indicator

10 S HIFT ON THE S UPPLEMENTAL Shift differential is paid as a type 3 Compensation Code = 7 Pension Code = 7 Title Code = 98960 Paytime cannot exceed 999.9 Overtime differential due to shift is paid as a type 5 Compensation Code = 7 Pension Code = 7 Title Code = 98960

11 O VERTIME A FFECTED BY S HIFT All employees in E or N shift will have shift included in their OT rate Employees in D shift who work hours in E or N may be entitled to an additional overtime differential Criteria: Day shift employee who worked a portion of regular hours on E or N And the employee worked OT in that pay period Submitted on supplemental – as a type five payment # of OT hours at $.25 X percent of reg. hours X 1.5

12 OT A FFECTED BY S HIFT E XAMPLE A day shift employee, 40 hour work week 1 week on the day shift and 1 week on the evening shift Also works 8.0 hours overtime on the night shift Shift on the regular payroll would be: 48.0 hours – 40.0 hours for the week on the evening shift plus 8.0 hours for OT worked on the night shift Shift on the supplemental payroll as a type five payment would be: The rate is calculated by first figuring the percent of regular hours worked on the E or N, 40.0 hours over 80.0 equals 50% Then multiplying the $.25 X 50% X 1.5 Social Security Number Name (Last, First, MI) Title Comp. Code Pens. Code Paytime Rate Current Earnings 123-45-6789Smith, John98960778.0 $ 0.19 $ 1.52


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