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Introduction to Computers Lesson 13A. home Computer Program A set of instructions or statements, also called code, to be carried out by the computer’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Computers Lesson 13A. home Computer Program A set of instructions or statements, also called code, to be carried out by the computer’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Computers Lesson 13A

2 home Computer Program A set of instructions or statements, also called code, to be carried out by the computer’s CPU

3 home Examples of Common Program Extensions Executable (EXE) files Dynamic link library (DLL) files Initialization (INI) files Help (HLP) files Batch (BAT) files

4 home Interrupt A preprogrammed set of steps that the CPU follows

5 home Machine Code Also called machine language The 1s and 0s that form the language of computer hardware

6 home Programming Language A Higher-level language than machine language, enables the programmer to describe a program using a variation of basic English

7 home Source Code File where programming language results are kept

8 home Ways to Convert Source Code to Machine Code Compiler Interpreter

9 home Program Control Flow The order in which program statements are executed

10 home Flowchart A chart that uses arrows and symbols to show the order in which a program’s statement will run

11 home Pseudocode Simplified text version of programming code

12 home Algorithm The steps represented in a flowchart that lead to a desired result are called an algorithm

13 home Heuristic Like an algorithm, a set of steps for finding the solution to a problem Unlike an algorithm, a heuristic offers a good chance of finding a solution, although not necessarily the best one

14 home Common Flow Patterns Conditional statement Loop

15 home Conditional Statement A test that determines what the program should do next

16 home Loop Code that repeats until some condition, called an exit condition, is met

17 home Examples of Loops For While Do-while

18 home Variable A label and placeholder for data being processed

19 home Function A set of steps to perform one specific task

20 home Argument Also called a parameter Used to pass input to functions as the program runs

21 home Goto Statement Identifies a different line of the program to which control jumps

22 home Structured Programming The practice of building programs using a set of well-defined structures

23 home Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Features reusable, modular components called objects

24 home Three Control Structures of Structured Programming Sequence structure Selection structures Repetition or looping structures

25 home Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Terms Object Attribute Encapsulate Class Instantiated Messages

26 home Attribute A component of the object’s overall description

27 home Encapsulate Every object has attributes and functions that may encapsulate (contain) other objects

28 home Class A class consists of attributes and functions shared by more than one object

29 home Class-related terms Data members Member functions or methods Subclasses Class inheritance

30 home Instantiated In OOP language, the term for creating objects

31 home Messages Messages are sent to objects, requesting them to perform a specific function

32 Lesson 13A Creating Computer Programs

33 home Review Questions What is a computer program? What is source code? What is an algorithm? What is a function?

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