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1a-2c Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? Section A.

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2 1a-2c Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? Section A

3 volleyball ping-pong ball tennis ball baseball soccer ball tennis racket basketball ping-pong bat What’s missing?

4 a soccer ball Do you have a soccer ball? Yes,I do. I’ve a soccer ball

5 有 Have 有 I’ve a baseball.. Do you have a baseball? Yes, I do.

6 Do you have a soccer ball? No,I don't. I don’t have a soccer ball. 没有没有

7 A: Do you have a ____? B: Yes, I do. I have a ____. /No, I don’t. I don’t have a ___. Let’s practice!

8 A: Do you have…? B: No, I don’t. A: Do you have…? B: Yes, I do. Eileen’s things:

9 1 Match the words with the things in the picture. 将下列词语与图中物品匹配。 ball___ bat ___ ball____ 4.volleyball_____ 5.basketball_____ bat ____ a f c e d b

10 1b Listen and circle the words you hear. 听录音,圈出你听到的单词。 ping-pong bat soccer ball volleyball Ping-pong ball

11 Does he have a …? Yes, he does. Guessing game: He has a basketball.

12 Does she have a…? Yes, she does. Guessing game: She has a ping-pong ball.

13 Does Mike have a basketball? Yes, --- ---. Mike Mike has a basketball

14 Dale Does Dale have a soccer ball? Yes,--- ---. Dale has a soccer ball.

15 I don't have a ping-pong bat. ping-pong bat ---you --- a ping pong bat? No,--- ---.

16 --- you ---- a baseball? Yes, --- ---. I have a baseball.

17 A: Let’s play volleyball. B: No. I don’t have a volleyball. A: Well, let’s play soccer. B: That sounds good.

18 I want to play basketball? Do you have a basketball? Yes, I do. Great! 太棒了

19 Let's play tennis. Do you have a tennis ball? Sorry, I don't.

20 volleyball play soccer play basketball play

21 play ping-pong play baseball play tennis Let’s Let’s Let’s...

22 PaulDale Jane Mike 听力训练: 2a Listen and number the pictures: 3 4 2 1

23 1 2 4 3 Listen again. Match the pictures in2a with the balls. 2b

24 再听一遍,把下列信息补充完整。 1.Does your_______Alan have one? 2.I want to play basketball. Do you have___________? 3.Let’s play tennis. Do you have ___________, Jane? 4.A: Do you have a volleyball, Dale? B: No, I don’t. But my brother does. ________ and find him. brother Let’s go a basketball a tennis ball

25 1)I________(have ) a pen. 2)Does he _______(have ) a book? No,______________. 3)Jim______________(not have ) a pen. 4)____ they _______(have) soccer balls? Yes,_________. have he doesn’t doesn’t have Do have they do

26 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. 你有一只棒球拍吗? _____ you ______ a baseball _____? 2. 埃里克有一个网球吗? _____ Eric ______ a _______ ball? 3. 戴尔有一个足球和一个排球。 Dale _____ a ______ ball and a _________. 4. 我有一个篮球和一只乒乓球拍。 I _____ a _________ and a ping pong ____. Do have Does have tennis has soccer volleyball have basketball bat

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