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Section 2B Mali. A.D. 1240: Ancient Ghana was part of Mali Became a trading country A.D. 1240: Ancient Ghana was part of Mali Became a trading country.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 2B Mali. A.D. 1240: Ancient Ghana was part of Mali Became a trading country A.D. 1240: Ancient Ghana was part of Mali Became a trading country."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 2B Mali

2 A.D. 1240: Ancient Ghana was part of Mali Became a trading country A.D. 1240: Ancient Ghana was part of Mali Became a trading country

3 Mali A.D. 1240: Ancient Ghana was part of Mali Location… allowed people to control trade on the Niger River Empire grew rich and powerful A.D. 1240: Ancient Ghana was part of Mali Location… allowed people to control trade on the Niger River Empire grew rich and powerful


5 Sundiata Keita “Hungering Lion” 1230s conquered near kingdoms including Ghana (1240) Reestablished salt/gold trade Worked to improve agriculture; introduced new crop…. COTTON “Hungering Lion” 1230s conquered near kingdoms including Ghana (1240) Reestablished salt/gold trade Worked to improve agriculture; introduced new crop…. COTTON

6 Sundiata Keita Organized army Divided kingdom into provinces Began calling himself Mansa (“mansa” was the name of local rulers under Ghana’s control) Sundiata became a political and religious leader Being a religious leader (not Muslim) gave him more power Moved capital around to strengthen ties to people Died in 1255 Organized army Divided kingdom into provinces Began calling himself Mansa (“mansa” was the name of local rulers under Ghana’s control) Sundiata became a political and religious leader Being a religious leader (not Muslim) gave him more power Moved capital around to strengthen ties to people Died in 1255

7 Mansa Musa “King Moses I” A.D. 1312-1337 Mali reached its height – wealth, power, fame (A.D. 1324) Added many trade cities - Timbuktu Muslim Grand Pilgrimage – religious journey “King Moses I” A.D. 1312-1337 Mali reached its height – wealth, power, fame (A.D. 1324) Added many trade cities - Timbuktu Muslim Grand Pilgrimage – religious journey

8 Mansa Musa’s Pilgrimage Took 14 months Covered 3000 miles 12,000 servants (each had 4 lb. gold bar) Gave away large sums of gold Took 14 months Covered 3000 miles 12,000 servants (each had 4 lb. gold bar) Gave away large sums of gold


10 Mansa Musa’s Influence Became Muslim Brought Spanish architect and Islamic scholars back to Mali Built university in Timbuktu Built mosques in Gao and Timbuktu Mali grew to largest extent Became Muslim Brought Spanish architect and Islamic scholars back to Mali Built university in Timbuktu Built mosques in Gao and Timbuktu Mali grew to largest extent


12 Mansa Musa’s Influence Brought foreign attention to Mali Soon European countries will want to control the resources of Mali Brought foreign attention to Mali Soon European countries will want to control the resources of Mali

13 Weak kings ruled Mali from A.D. 1340-1400

14 Songhai


16 By late 1300’s Mali faced attack from the East Songhai lived along Niger River Became largest of these three trading countries By late 1300’s Mali faced attack from the East Songhai lived along Niger River Became largest of these three trading countries

17 Sonni Ali Sultan in A.D. 1464 Ruled from Gao Large army and navy Sultan in A.D. 1464 Ruled from Gao Large army and navy

18 Askia Muhammed Extended empire to greatest extent 1500’s – Timbuktu had 50,000 people Timbuktu became center of learning and trade Extended empire to greatest extent 1500’s – Timbuktu had 50,000 people Timbuktu became center of learning and trade

19 Government Divided into provinces Used same weights and measures Only members of ruling Songhai could become political leaders or join calvary Divided into provinces Used same weights and measures Only members of ruling Songhai could become political leaders or join calvary

20 Decline 1591 – Songhai came under attack by Moroccan troops armed with guns French controlled Mali in 1800’s 1591 – Songhai came under attack by Moroccan troops armed with guns French controlled Mali in 1800’s


22 French Occupation Why did French want Mali? Why did French want Mali? 1. Supply raw materials 2. Prove they were a world power 2. Prove they were a world power

23 Mali Under French Control Army set up forts along Senegal River to protect trade Built railroads Put gunboats on Niger River Army set up forts along Senegal River to protect trade Built railroads Put gunboats on Niger River

24 Attempted to make treaties with locals; took by force if they did not cooperate Allowed Africans to rule over each area Did not educate children Did not allow Africans to make decisions Attempted to make treaties with locals; took by force if they did not cooperate Allowed Africans to rule over each area Did not educate children Did not allow Africans to make decisions

25 Forced Africans to work and go to war Did educate leaders Forced Africans to work and go to war Did educate leaders Why did the French educate some Africans (but not all)?

26 Plan Backfired! African leaders began to resist French rule! September 1960, Mali became an independent nation African leaders began to resist French rule! September 1960, Mali became an independent nation

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