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MAX PLANCK By: Tyler Brown and Devontae Dixon =R9sMxEnbha0&edufilter=FwNI MIqIDIQYAexPZDE7XA.

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Presentation on theme: "MAX PLANCK By: Tyler Brown and Devontae Dixon =R9sMxEnbha0&edufilter=FwNI MIqIDIQYAexPZDE7XA."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAX PLANCK By: Tyler Brown and Devontae Dixon =R9sMxEnbha0&edufilter=FwNI MIqIDIQYAexPZDE7XA

2 GENERAL INFO  Full Name: Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck  Birthplace: Kiel, Germany  Birthdate: April 23, 1858  Father: Julius Wilhelm  Mother: Emma Planck

3 PLANCK’S FATHER  Planck’s father was Professor of Constitutional Law for the University of Kiel  He was later Professor of Constitutional Law for the University of Kiel

4 PLANCK’S MARRIAGES  He was married twice, He married a childhood friend Marie Merck in 1885 he was married until 1909 when she died  He remarried to Marie’s cousin Marga von Hosslin

5 PLANCK’S CHILDREN  He had 5 children  3 died very young  He lost his eldest son during WWI  His last son died during WWII

6 PLANCK’S COLLEGE YEARS  Planck studied at the University of Munich and the University of Berlin  He was taught by Professors Kirchhoff and Helmholtz  He received his doctorate of philosophy at the University of Munich in 1879

7 PLANCK’S COLLEGE YEARS  From 1880 to 1885, he was Privatdozent in Munich  In 1889 he replaced Kirchhoff as Professor at Berlin University  In 1894 the Prussian Academy of Sciences made him a member and he became a permanent secretary from 1912-1926

8 PLANCK’S EARLY ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN LIFE  Planck’s early work in science was on thermodynamics  He was also interested on the problems of radiation processes  These processes led him to the problem of energy in the spectrum of full radiation

9 PLANCK’S WORK ON THE QUANTUM THEORY  Max Planck discovered that energy is quantized  This means that energy increases occur in steps not on a smooth curve  This means that an atom’s electrons can’t jump around they must stay in a certain region around the nucleus (depending on the electron’s energy)  Planck assumed that the radiation energy is emitted in discrete packets called quanta rather than continuously

10 PLANCK’S WORK ON THE QUANTUM THEORY  He discovered that the energy E of the quantum is related to the frequency V by E = hv. The quantity (h), now known as the Planck constant, is a constant with the approximate value of 6.626 X 10^-34 Js

11 THE END OF MAX PLANCK'S LIFE  Towards the end of his life he received the Nobel Peace Prize for physics  He died on October 4, 1947

12 REFERENCES i. 18/planck-bio.html 18/planck-bio.html ii.Notes iii.

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