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Funded by: European Commission (80%) with co-funding from GIZ FAO BBC Media Action Implemented by: BBC Media Action Eastern Community Radio Njala University.

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Presentation on theme: "Funded by: European Commission (80%) with co-funding from GIZ FAO BBC Media Action Implemented by: BBC Media Action Eastern Community Radio Njala University."— Presentation transcript:


2 Funded by: European Commission (80%) with co-funding from GIZ FAO BBC Media Action Implemented by: BBC Media Action Eastern Community Radio Njala University

3 Project Context Low productivity of cocoa in Eastern Sierra Leone Poor quality of cocoa produced and exported from Sierra Leone Farmers entangled in a continuous debt cycle Farmers lack of knowledge and skills in improved methods of cocoa production and value addition. Farmers exclusion from the marketing side of the value chain – Lack of market information and participation

4 Overall Objective To contribute to the livelihoods and income generation in Sierra Leone through improvement in quality and quantity of cocoa being produced in and exported from Sierra Leone.

5 Specific Objectives 1.To improve the skills and employability of actual and potential cocoa farmers and workers through the provision of formal and informal TVET opportunities. 2.To improve the skills of staff of Eastern Radio to develop and produce educational radio programming for the informal cocoa sector. 3.To redevelop Njala University and Sierra Leone Agricultural Research Institute’s capacity to deliver training and accreditation to potential farmers and farm workers 4.Using cocoa as an entry point, to improve access to trustworthy local radio programming that strengthens public awareness and debate on key information relevant to the development needs of men and women cocoa farmers in Eastern Sierra Leone.

6 Target beneficiaries

7 Target Beneficiaries 140,000 actual and potential farmers have increased knowledge and interest in the cocoa sector. 40,000 actual and potential farmers participate in market appropriate, flexible radio learning programmes which increases their skills and knowledge on cocoa production 5000 farmers and farm workers (mainly listener groups and farmer field schools network) receive short courses through radio based training modules, accreditation and certification.

8 Expected Result 1 For Specific Objective 1: A package of radio programming (live discussion shows, drama and information bulletins) produced, reaching 140,000 farmers and potential farmers increasing their knowledge of and interest in the cocoa sector. 40,000 farmers and potential farmers participate in flexible and market oriented radio training courses on cocoa which increases their skills and knowledge in cocoa farming. At least 5,000 farmers and farm workers receive informal training and accreditation through field based distance learning programs developed and delivered by Njala University.

9 Expected Result 2 For Specific Objective 2 : Lasting capacity created within Eastern radio to produce and deliver informative and quality educational programs for the informal sector that can attract commercial funding. Financial sustainability of Eastern Radio improved by provision of solar power generation system, improved financial management and marketing.

10 Expected Result 3 For Specific Objective 3: Lasting training capacity re-establishment within Njala University to deliver flexible and market appropriate distance learning programs to the informal cocoa sector. Strengthened linkages between informal economy, formal education and TVET institutions.

11 Expected Result 4 The agricultural population in Eastern Province: Increased access to trustworthy radio programming, awareness and debate on key development issues affecting cocoa farmers in Eastern sierra Leone.

12 Project main activities Research: Baseline KAP survey, qualitative desk research, training needs assessments, audience research and end-line research (To better understand the cocoa value chain in order to target training and programming to audiences and provide key market oriented information along the cocoa value chain) Intensive training and partner development to deliver results Access to information and training for farmers in a flexible manner from informal radio programming to formalized accredited training

13 Methodology The project is delivered using a combination of informal and formal radio learning outputs. Informal learning: drama, discussion shows and information bulletins. Semi formal and formal learning: designed for smaller groups interested in developing further their skills offered through radio teaching modules delivered to radio learning groups leading to accreditation and certification Partner capacity building: includes an intensive in house training and mentoring and infrastructure improvement for Eastern radio and Njala university. Learning through radio programmes and short courses leading to accreditation and certification for unemployed youth and marginalized farm workers improving their employment opportunities in the cocoa sector.

14 Sustainability Strategies Partner Development: solar power installation to two community radio stations, equipment upgrade, in-house training for Eastern radio staff, support to Njala university to develop and deliver market appropriate distance learning programmes for the informal sector. Access to information and training: development, production and broadcast of 72 radio drama, discussion shows and weekly cocoa news bulletins, development and delivery of market appropriate and flexible radio training modules and development and delivery of a range of cross cutting development issues affecting cocoa farmers.

15 Sustainability Strategies Linkages between informal, and formal learning of actual and potential cocoa farmers through Eastern Radio learning programmes, practical demonstration at farm site and practical assessment leading to accreditation and certification. Formation of radio learning groups uses existing farmers networks like FFS, ABC, cocoa farmers cooperatives, FBO, etc Involvement of other cocoa stakeholders in the development of relevant market appropriate training modules developed by Njala university. Empowerment of cocoa stakeholders through quarterly advisory board meetings

16 Challenges Literacy levels: Low literacy levels of target beneficiaries makes delivery of formal training expensive Resources to transform academic training modules to broadcast formats after the elapse of the project is a foreseeable challenge Management of learning groups after the project pulls out is a major challenge No linkage programs for our graduates with employers No hardware support is offered by the project

17 Our Ultimate Goal

18 Thank you all for your Attention By Josphat Kashero Livelihoods Programme Manager BBC Media Action Sierra Leone

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