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Early Vertebrate Development Early Development of Mammals Early Development of Birds…if we have time.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Vertebrate Development Early Development of Mammals Early Development of Birds…if we have time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Vertebrate Development Early Development of Mammals Early Development of Birds…if we have time.

2 Long and Winding Road… Both Egg and Sperm have to overcome physical barriers. Ampulla- site of fertilization.

3 Cleavage in Mammals Rotational cleavage – 1 st Meriodionally – 2 nd one divides meriodionally, one divides equatorially Asynchrony No real Mid-Blastula Transition.

4 Compaction Division of early embryo up to 8 cell stage is loosely arranged. At 8 cell stage, cells form tight interactions and divide into 16 cell morula. Internal Cells= Internal Cell mass (ICM) Most external cells become trophoblast.

5 Early Cells in Mammalian Embryo Totipotent Pluripotent

6 Cavitation. Trophoblast cells secrete fluid into Morula: blastocoel Trophoblast Na + pumps are activated by oviduct cells.

7 Hatching of Mammalian Blastula Zona pellucida prevents embryo from attaching to oviduct wall. Trypsin like protease: releases embryo from ZP.

8 Mammalian Gastrulation Mother provides nutrients The reliance of embryo on Mother has resulted in fetal organs – Chorion – Hypoblast/epiblast – Germ disc – Amniotic cavity

9 Mammalian Gastrulation: Primative Groove

10 Extraembryonic Membranes Trophoblast cells make up cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast. Trophoblasts and Uterine tissue: Placenta

11 Axis specification in Mammals Two signaling centers – Node – Anterior Visceral Endoderm(AVE) Work together to form anterior region. Notochord: dorsal infolding of small ciliated cells AVE: visceral endoderm migrates forward. Antagonists of Nodal – Lefty-1; Cerberus – Nodal activates expression of posterior genes; Lefty-1 and Cerberus blocks this activity

12 Axis Specification: Anterior-Posterior positioning FGF and Retinoic acid gradients. Ultimately leads to differential expression of Hox genes

13 Anterior-Posterior Axis: Hox Code

14 Retinoic Acid and Hox Gene Expression

15 Dorsal-Ventral and Left-Right Axes DV axis formation: Poorly characterized. Left-right axis formation: Nodal and Pitx2

16 Early Development of Birds: Cleavage

17 Gastrulation: Birds The Hypoblast The primative streak

18 The Primitive Streak

19 Primitive Streak: Molecular mechanisms of migration

20 Regression of Primitive streak

21 Axis specification in Birds Gravity and PMZ

22 Left Right Axis

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