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ESS 303 – Biomechanics Levers and Joints.

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Presentation on theme: "ESS 303 – Biomechanics Levers and Joints."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESS 303 – Biomechanics Levers and Joints

2 Lever Components Lever Fulcrum Effort Resistance
MAE: Moment Arm of Effort MAR: Moment Arm of Resistance Three types of levers

3 Levers (Type I) E MAE MAR R F


5 Levers (Type II) MAE E R MAR F


7 Levers (Type III) MAR R E MAE F


9 Equilibrium of a Lever Formula
E * MAE = R * MAR Question: Two children are sitting on opposite sided of a balanced sea-saw. One child’s body mass is 50 Kilograms and he/she is seated 1.5 meters from the fulcrum. How far from the fulcrum is the other child if his/her body mass is 40 Kilograms? Answer: 50 Kg * 1.5 M = 40 Kg * X M X = Meters

10 Articulations Synarthrodial (Sutures of skull)
Amphiarthrodial (Between vertebrae) Diarthrodial (Common)

11 Joints Articulations Connection point between two bones
Six basic types of joints in the body

12 #1 – Hinge

13 #2 – Gliding or Plane

14 #3 – Condyloid


16 #4 – Pivot

17 #5 – Ball & Socket

18 #6 – Saddle

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