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1 Lord Gives ‘Real’ Knowledge Vedic Wisdom & Hari Katha.

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2 1 Lord Gives ‘Real’ Knowledge Vedic Wisdom & Hari Katha

3 www.gokulbhajan.comGokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies2 What is Knowledge?

4 www.gokulbhajan.comGokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies3

5 Kinds of Knowledge.. Material Knowledge –Material worlds: planets, stars, galaxies –Related to living in the material world –Material sciences –Government, politics –Many more… Spiritual Knowledge –Realize our spiritual identity –Knowledge about God –Knowledge about Spiritual Worlds –And more… www.gokulbhajan.comGokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies4 Which one is permanent, which one is temporary?

6 Identify the kind – Spiritual or Material? Economics & Finance Realizing our identity (spirit souls) Business Management Science & Technology Knowing God Medical Science Knowing Spiritual worlds? www.gokulbhajan.comGokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies5

7 www.gokulbhajan.comGokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies6 How good are these material Knowledge?

8 Can we learn and get Spiritual knowledge by ourselves? www.gokulbhajan.comGokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies7

9 Even material knowledge is not easy! This creation is very complex to understand! www.gokulbhajan.comGokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies8 Unless you are a Rishi?

10 www.gokulbhajan.comGokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies9 Sapta (7) Rishi Mandala – URSA MAJOR

11 www.gokulbhajan.comGokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies10 Sapta (7) Rishis As per Briha-daranyaka Upanishad 1.Atri 2.Bharadvaja 3.Gautama 4.Jamadagni 5.Kashyapa 6.Vasishta 7.Vishwamitra

12 www.gokulbhajan.comGokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies11 Knowing God by Knowledge

13 www.gokulbhajan.comGokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies12

14 www.gokulbhajan.comGokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies13 Knowing God by Knowledge Vivekananda Memorial

15 Drama: Professor & The Boat Man www.gokulbhajan.com14

16 A heavy Storm was coming … www.gokulbhajan.com15

17 www.gokulbhajan.com16 Boat Capsized & started to sink

18 17 Can we reach Bhagavan just by studying all the Vedas?

19 Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies18 Vyasa Dev Wanted to Study ALL The Vedas Mount Meru Krishna Dvaipayana

20 www.gokulbhajan.comGokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies19 Who is beyond all Vedas and Knowledge? Bhagavan!

21 Who are you? What is your destination? www.gokulbhajan.comGokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies20 Ancestors ? Heaven ? Satya Loka ? Brahman ? Bhagavan ? What is your choice?

22 www.gokulbhajan.comGokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies21 If you want Bhagavan, you should have love for Him Then you won’t be asking for foods & comforts.. Surrender to Guru & Cry for Bhagavan!

23 22 Cry like a lost child, crying for father & mother… O my real father and mother! I do not know why I got in here! I am lost in a sealed dark jail.. I cannot even see myself ! My senses are full of defects.. O father, O mother, I cannot see You.. But You can see me ! I cry for you every day.. O my real father and my real mother.. Please take me back to our sweet HOME!

24 23 G2 Sloka: 5 Teṣām satata-yuktānām Bhajatām prîti-pūrvakam Dadāmi buddhi-yogam tam Yena mām upayānti te (B.G 10.10) Lord Krishna says, “To those who are constantly devoted to Me by loving ecstacy, I give them the understanding and knowledge so that they can come to Me”

25 24 Meaning of Sloka teṣām - for those satata-yuktānām – who desire to come to Me bhajatām - who Worship Me prîti-pūrvakam – in loving ecstacy dadāmi - I give buddhi-yogam - transcendental knowledge tam - that yena – by which mām - Me upayānti – come te - they

26 www.gokulbhajan.comGokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies25 Jñāni sees paramatma! Jñāni can see brahman… But may not Bhagavan! Bhagavan can be understood Only if Bhagavan wants! Never by our endavours! Only His pure bhaktas know Him ! Then.. What does a Jñāni see ?

27 What is the ‘Real’ supreme knowledge? Is it Material knowledge ? Is it realizing ourselves (spirit soul) ? Is it understanding paramatma ? Is it understanding brahman ? Then what?... www.gokulbhajan.comGokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies26 Understanding BHAGAVAN!

28 www.gokulbhajan.comGokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies27 Bhaktyā tv ananyayā sakya Aham evam-vidho ‘rjuna Jñātum drastunca tattvena Pravestunca parantapa B.G 11.54 O Arjuna! Only by exclusive bhakti one can actually know and see My eternal form and truly enter into association with Me in My abode. Who has ‘REAL’ knowledge to understand Bhagavan?

29 28 How do we revive our love to Bhagavan? Sravanam kirtanam visnoh Smaranam pāda sevanam Archanam vandanam dāsyam Sakhyam ātma-nivedanam Nine Angas (limbs) of Bhakti

30 29 [ Krishna Hare Jaya Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Jaya Krishna Hare] (2) [Karuna Sagara Krishna Hare Kamaniya Nayana Krishna Hare] (2)... (Kris) [Govardhana Dhara Krishna Hare Gokula Palana Krishna Hare] (2)... (Kris) [Radha Vilola Krishna Hare Raji Vaksha Sri Krishna Hare] (2)... (Kris) [ -------- Slow - All sing to complete -------] [Krishna Hare Jaya Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Jaya Krishna Hare]

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