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Animation Vladimir Savchenko

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1 Animation Vladimir Savchenko

2 Course Details Course materials can be downloaded from Course materials can be downloaded from Evaluation: Evaluation: - Project – 20 - Project – 20 - Exam – 60 - Exam – 60 - Lecture attendance – 20 - Lecture attendance – 20 Project Project  Any animations developed by you by the use Java, C++, Open GL  Or an animation developed by the use of my Software tools and Models, see next page.

3 Project Material You can develop an animation based on my Software tools and Models You can develop an animation based on my Software tools and Models  vtkPicker_install.exe Download a rather simple tool with GUI, developed by us to demonstrate space deformations Download a rather simple tool with GUI, developed by us to demonstrate space deformations Follow instructions in “read me” file how to define deformations. But you do not need download any VTK libraries! Follow instructions in “read me” file how to define deformations. But you do not need download any VTK libraries!  Download and unzip software (there is no GUI), developed by us to produce an animation. Edit files and produce animations according to a short description in txt file. Download and unzip software (there is no GUI), developed by us to produce an animation. Edit files and produce animations according to a short description in txt file.  Download and unzip models. You can see and modify models by the vtkPicker tool. Download and unzip models. You can see and modify models by the vtkPicker tool.

4 Project Material You can develop a Java animation You can develop a Java animation  Problem: The Harmonic Oscilator 1. Consider a particle attached to a wall of infinit mass with a spring 2. The spring force given by F spring = -k·x 3. Newton’s second low of motion dictates the motion of the particle as, m·dx/dt= -k·x m·d 2 x/dt 2 = -k·x The idealized harmonic oscillator assumes that there is no loss in energy over time. The idealized harmonic oscillator assumes that there is no loss in energy over time.  Develop an applet showing the motion of the damped particle according to the equation m·dx/dt= -k·x –b ·dx/dt, m·d 2 x/dt 2 = -k·x –b ·dx/dt, where the coefficient b > 0 is called the damping coefficient where the coefficient b > 0 is called the damping coefficient

5 Project Material You can develop a C++ based animation by the use of software downloaded from You can develop a C++ based animation by the use of software downloaded from

6 Reference Material Lecture notes Lecture notes Books: Books: 1. Physics-based Animation, K. Erleben, J. Sporring, K. Henriksen, and H. Dohlmann, Charles River Media, Inc, 2005 2. 3D Game Engine Design, David H. Eberly, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2001. 3. Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques, A. Watt, M. Watt, Addison-Wesley, 1992. Conferences: Conferences: - Computer Animation, proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press, SIGGRAPH - Computer Animation, proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press, SIGGRAPH Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation (JVCA) Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation (JVCA) And many many others … And many many others …

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