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Theory of Psychosexual Development

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1 Theory of Psychosexual Development
Sigmund Freud Theory of Psychosexual Development

2 Sigmund Freud Biography Born: May 6, 1856 (Moravia (Czech Republic)
Died: September 23, 1939 (Age 83) London Nationality: Austrian Fields: Neurology, Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy Influences: Kent, Plato, Nietzsche Coined the term: “Ego” Key Idea: Subconscious

3 Five Stages of Psychosexual Development
Sigmund Freud’s five stages of psychosexual development is one of the better known personality theories. It is also one of the most controversial, Freud believes personality develops through a series of childhood stages where we become focused on certain erogenous areas. He used the term ‘Psychosexual Energy’, or ‘Libido’, which he believed was the driving force behind human behavior.

4 Oral Stage Birth to 18 Months
During the Oral Stage, the Child is focused on oral pleasures (Sucking) Too much or too little gratification can result in an Oral Fixation or Oral Personality which is evidences by oral activities

5 Oral Stage Birth to 18 Months
This type of personality may have a stronger tendency to smoke, drink alcohol, over eat, or their nails, Personality wise, these individuals may become overly dependent upon others, gullible, and perpetual followers. On the other hand, they may also fight these urges and develop pessimism and aggression towards others

6 Anal Stage 18 Months - 3 Years
This Child's focus of pleasure is in this stage is on eliminating and retaining their Fecal Material. Through society's pressure, mainly parents, the Child has to learn to control anal stimulation

7 Anal Stage 18 Months - 3 Years
In terms of personality, after effects of an anal fixation during this stage can result in obsession with cleanliness, perfection, and control (Anal Retentive), Alternately they may take the opposing approach and become sloppy, messy, and disorganized ( Anal Expulsive)

8 Phallic Stage Ages 3-6 The Pleasure Zones switches to the Genitals.
Freud believed that during this stage boys develop unconscious sexual desires for their Mother. Because of this fixation on his Mother, he becomes a rival to his Father and sees him as competition for the Mother’s affections.

9 Phallic Stage Ages 3-6 During this time boys also develop a fear that their Father will punish them for these feelings, such as castrating them. This group of feelings is known as the Oedipus Complex (after Greek Mythology figure , Oedipus, who accidentally killed his Father and married his Mother.

10 Latency Stage Ages 6-Puberty
It is during this stage that sexual urges remain or are repressed. Children play and interact primarily with peers of the same gender (Sex)

11 Genital Stage Puberty Onwards
The final stage of Psychosexual Development begins at the start of puberty when sexual urges are re-awakened. Through the lessons learned during previous stages, adolescents direct their sexual urges onto their opposite gender/sex peers, with primary focus of pleasure being on the genitals.

12 Modern Interpretation of Freud’s Theory

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