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January 11 th, 2013. Conceptual Physics Starter: get out SMQ sheet SMQ Collect extra point cards – due today Continue work: Simple Machine Project –Daily.

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Presentation on theme: "January 11 th, 2013. Conceptual Physics Starter: get out SMQ sheet SMQ Collect extra point cards – due today Continue work: Simple Machine Project –Daily."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 11 th, 2013

2 Conceptual Physics Starter: get out SMQ sheet SMQ Collect extra point cards – due today Continue work: Simple Machine Project –Daily work points given. If you are absent any day that we do project work, see me on how to make up those points.

3 Astronomy Starter: get out SW/APOD sheet and learning target sheet Collect extra point cards – due today SW/APOD Today’s learning targets: 18-21 Finish: 28-3 Intelligent Life in the Universe Begin: 28-4 The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

4 3rd Period Chemistry I Starter: get out lab packet; throw away gum; put up hair if required Collect extra point cards – due today Pre-lab discussion Day 2 of “Exploring the Halides” lab

5 Advanced Physics Starter: get out SMQ sheet; give back learning target sheet Today’s learning targets 6-9 Collect extra point cards – due today SMQ Go over hmwk Reading: Newton’s Third Law, pgs. 141- 143

6 5 th Period Chemistry I Starter: get out lab packet; throw away gum; put up hair if required Collect extra point cards – due today Pre-lab discussion Day 2 of “Exploring the Halides” lab

7 AP Chemistry Daily Schedule Starter: get wkst 26 Go over semester exam Continue wkst 26; begin wkst 27 Today’s learning targets: 5-9 Continue lecture 27 Weekly Schedule –M, W, F: “Other” –T/Th: Chem

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