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Klein Collins High School Course Registration for 2013-14 Current 8 th, 9 th, & 10th.

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Presentation on theme: "Klein Collins High School Course Registration for 2013-14 Current 8 th, 9 th, & 10th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Klein Collins High School Course Registration for 2013-14 Current 8 th, 9 th, & 10th

2 Agenda Graduation Requirements Required Coursework Career Exploration Courses Advanced Academic Courses Course Selection Process


4 3 Requirements to Graduate Earn 26 State Credits Pass required State Courses Pass required End of Course (EOC) Exams

5 Credits State Credits - count toward graduation – 26 Credits Required – 1 Full Year Class = 1 Credit – 1 Semester Class = 0.5 Credit Local Credits - do not count toward graduation (Office Aide, Student Leadership, etc.) Denied Credit – Student does not earn credit due to excessive absences, despite passing grades!

6 Graduation Plans Recommended Plan Distinguished Plan “To be eligible for admission at a Texas Four-Year Public Institution, students must successfully complete the Recommended or Distinguished high school program.” --Texas Education Code (state law)

7 Recommended High School Program 4 years of English 4 years of Math 4 years of Social Studies 4 years of Science 2 years of Foreign Lang. 1 year of PE/Equivalent 1 year of Fine Art Speech: Communication Applications or Professional Communications (0.5 credit) Electives 26 Credits

8 Distinguished High School Program 26 Credits Same course requirements as Recommended 3 years of Foreign Language 4 Advanced Measures – AP scores – Dual Credit – Articulated courses – National Merit on PSAT

9 Required Coursework 2 years of Foreign Language – Spanish – French – German – Latin Must take 2 years of the same language

10 Required Coursework 1 year of Fine Art – Art – Band – Orchestra – Choir – Theater – Dance – Color Guard – Floral Design

11 Required Coursework 1 year of PE or Equivalent – PE – Athletics – Cheerleading (S1 only) – ROTC (waiver) – Drill Team (waiver) – Marching Band (S1 only, w) Can earn up to 4 PE credits

12 End of Course Exams (EOC) You must successfully complete the following EOC exams. Level II or above. – English 1, English 2, English 3 – Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 – Biology, Chemistry, Physics – World Geography, World History, US History For more information go to: d=692&menu_id2=796&cid=2147483661

13 Plan for Your Future 4-year University 2-year College Military Work Whatever you do NOW determines where you go in the future – choose wisely!

14 Career & Technical Education (CTE) 15 Career Clusters Why take CTE? – Learn about jobs – Certification – Articulated credit 2 or 3-period classes require planning!

15 Career & Technical Education (CTE) Cosmetology Agriculture

16 Career & Technical Education (CTE) Auto Tech Vet Tech

17 Career & Technical Education (CTE) Health Science Child Care

18 Advanced Academics Pre AP, AP, & Dual Credit Rigorous coursework & more homework Preparation of AP/DC classes Earn college credit “Extra” grade points Be better prepared for college Advanced Measure for Distinguished Plan Limited opportunity for schedule changes. Consider your schedule, extra curricular activities, and other responsibilities.

19 Additional Information Attend TIE Night at KCHS on January 23 from 6-8 PM Class Catalog & CTE Catalog Forms & info packets Counselors, classmates, teachers, and family Visit the Klein Collins Web Site stration2

20 Course Selection Process Four-Year Plan Course Requests Lists Course request entry into Gradespeed Check requests on Gradespeed Course verification in Spring Deadline to request Changes June 7, 2013

21 Four-Year Plan Use pencil Include any courses you have taken in Middle School that you will receive high school credit for Fill in blanks with classes you plan to take Check required classes Turn in with your Course Request List sheet!

22 9 th -12 th Grade Math Sequence Advanced Math Skills Successful Math Performance

23 Course Request List 7 Class Periods – 4 Core Classes + 3 Electives – 1 Full-year Class = 1 Period – 2 Semester Classes = 1 Period 3 Alternates Student and Parent Signatures

24 Course Selection Sheets Listing of the courses available Key * = 1 Semester Class + = Approval Required $ = Fee Required F = Form Required ▲ = Prerequisite Required

25 Online Data Entry Meet with Counselor Bring 4-Year Plan & Course Selection Sheet Review at home via Parent Connection

26 Verification Sheets This Spring Check them carefully! – 7 Class Periods – Electives Schedule Change Deadline is June 7, 2013 JUNE 8 th

27 To Do Review and complete the Course Selection List sheet Learn more about class options Check for prerequisites, fees, forms, etc. Turn in a completed 4-Year Plan and Course Selection Sheet

28 Transcript Official academic record – Semester averages – Total credits earned – EOCs, GPA, Rank Send to colleges & scholarships

29 How Do I Earn Grade Points? Semester averages are used to determine grade points Advance courses receive more grade points “How to Calculate your GPA” power point is online on the KCHS website

30 GPA and Class Rank GPA (Grade Point Average) - Grade points are awarded in each course and will eventually be used to calculate your GPA. GPA determines your class rank. Colleges consider GPA and Class Rank for admission decisions. Remember your GPA and Class Rank start your 9 th grade year!

31 Questions?

32 Work Hard. Graduate!

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