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Communication Chapter 2.

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1 Communication Chapter 2

2 Stream –Oriented Communication
RPCs and Messages focus on exchanging independent and complete units of information Communication timing does not affect correctness It may however affect the performance Timing is crucial for certain applications Continuous media Temporal relationships are critical to correctness Discrete media Timing is not critical to correctness

3 Data Streams Sequence of data units – E.g. Unix Pipes, TCP/IP
Three transmission modes Asynchronous – Orderly transmission of data units Synchronous – Maximum end-to-end delay is specified Isynchronous – Data units are transferred on time Simple and Complex streams

4 Data Stream Architecture

5 Streams and Quality of Service
Properties for Quality of Service: The required bit rate at which data should be transported. The maximum delay until a session has been set up The maximum end-to-end delay . The maximum delay variance (jitter) The maximum round-trip delay.

6 Network Level Solutions
Differentiated Services Expedited forwarding Assured forwarding

7 Buffering to Reduce Jitter

8 Handling Packet Loss Forward error correction codes Interleaving

9 Interleaving to Handle Packet Loss

10 Synchronization Mechanisms (1)
Figure The principle of explicit synchronization on the level data units.

11 Synchronization Mechanisms (2)
Figure The principle of synchronization as supported by high-level interfaces.

12 Multicast Communication
Sending data to multiple recipients Important for several distributed applications IP-level multicasting Setting up communication path is complex Most ISPs do not support multicasting Next-best alternative – Supporting multicast at the middleware level Also known as application-level multicasting or overlay-based multicasting

13 Application-Level Multicasting
Multicast groups Nodes of a multicast group organize into an overlay Collaboratively disseminate data Tree-based overlays Simple and (relatively) more efficient Susceptible to node and link failures Mesh-based overlays Provides better failure resilience Scribe system

14 Performance Issues with Overlay-based Multicast

15 Metrics for Application-level Multicast
Link stress Stretch Tree cost

16 Epidemic-style Communication
Low overhead techniques to achieve multicasting Mimics how diseases spread Infected, susceptible and removed Anti-entropy technique Rumor spreading/gossiping

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