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MECE 102: Engineering Mechanics Lab A First Year Course in Newtonian Mechanics, Experimentation, and Computer Tools Created by the Faculty of the Mechanical.

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Presentation on theme: "MECE 102: Engineering Mechanics Lab A First Year Course in Newtonian Mechanics, Experimentation, and Computer Tools Created by the Faculty of the Mechanical."— Presentation transcript:

1 MECE 102: Engineering Mechanics Lab A First Year Course in Newtonian Mechanics, Experimentation, and Computer Tools Created by the Faculty of the Mechanical Engineering Department in the Kate Gleason College of Engineering at RIT

2 The Course Design and Delivery Team Faculty Members And their roles in the course Professor Tim Landschoot Lead for Lectures and Recitation Senior Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering Professor John Wellin Lead for Lab Senior Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering Dr. Risa Robinson Lead for Studio Professor and Associate Dept. Head of Mech. Eng. Dr. Edward Hensel, PE Lead for Textbook Professor and Department Head of Mech. Eng.

3 The Course Design and Delivery Team Staff Members And their roles in the course Mr. David Hathaway Lead for Facilities Renovations Operations Manager for Mechanical Engineering Mr. Jan Maneti Lead for Lab Apparatus Fabrication Senior Mechanical Technician for Mechanical Engineering Mr. Rob Kraynick Support for Lab Apparatus Fabrication Senior Mechanical Technician for Mechanical Engineering Mr. William Finch Lead for Computer System Support Computer System Administration for Mechanical Engineering

4 Goals for MECE 102 Students will be engaged in mechanical engineering on their first day of class make connections with multiple ME faculty become excited about learning Newtonian Mechanics develop the study habits needed to succeed in ME learn modern engineering tools at a technically appropriate level

5 Q1. What is the RIT mascot? Select your Answer: A.Bear B.Wolf C.Tiger D.Orange E.Badger

6 Q1. What is the RIT mascot? Select your Answer: A.Bear B.Wolf C.Tiger D.Orange E.Badger

7 “Spirit” -- The Bengal Tiger! In 1963-1964, a Bengal tiger named SPIRIT prowled the halls of RIT. In his short life, the cat had a profound influence on the Institute and on the students who cared for him.

8 Punctuality and Preparation Students are expected to come to class every day, well prepared, and to have studied the materials assigned. The faculty don’t want to read to you … we would rather create an engaged learning environment. You need to be ON TIME and paying attention in every class session. Quizzes will routinely be conducted during LECTURE periods using CLICKERS Online Quizzes will routinely by conducted before LECTURE and LAB using myCOURSES PC Studio pre-class work will routinely by assigned before Studio on myCOURSES

9 Q2. Which one of the following is required to be successful in this class? Select your Answer: A.Attending every class throughout the quarter. B.Reading the assigned online electronic textbook sections prior to class. C.Solving all assigned Home Work problems. D.Utilizing the EXCEL spreadsheet program to analyze lab experiment data. E.All of the above.

10 Q2. Which one of the following is required to be successful in this class? Select your Answer: A.Attending every class throughout the quarter. B.Reading the assigned online electronic textbook sections prior to class. C.Solving all assigned Home Work problems. D.Utilizing the EXCEL spreadsheet program to analyze lab experiment data. E.All of the above.

11 All of the Above! As outlined in the textbook, the grading policy for this course promotes successful behavior, and assessment of learning.

12 Letter Grades

13 Course Format Spring 2131 Semester: 15 weeks, 6 - 8 hrs/week Lecture 1 hrIntroduce Theory Lab1.25 hrsConduct Experiments Studio 1.25 hrsAnalyze Data Recitation 1 hrSolve Problems 11 or 12 Experiments during the term 2 Mid-Terms and a Final Exam Section1 st Meeting2 nd Meeting3 rd Meeting4 th Meeting MECE102 LectureLabStudioRecitation We expect students to spend between 12 to 16 hours of effort per week on each three semester-credit engineering course in mechanical engineering. More than half of this time will be independent work on your own, outside of class meeting times.

14 Q3. Which choice summarizes the Engineering Science Core Principles that you will use throughout your Mechanical Engineering curriculum? Select your Answer: A.Newton’s 1 st Law B.Newton’s 1 st Law, Newton’s 2 nd Law C.Newton’s 1 st Law, Newton’s 2 nd Law, Newton’s 3 rd Law D.Newton’s 1 st Law, Newton’s 2 nd Law, Newton’s 3 rd Law, Newton’s Law of Gravity E.Newton’s 1 st Law, Newton’s 2 nd Law, Newton’s 3 rd Law, Newton’s Law of Gravity, The Conservation of Energy

15 Q3. Which choice summarizes the Engineering Science Core Principles that you will use throughout your Mechanical Engineering curriculum? Select your Answer: A.Newton’s 1 st Law B.Newton’s 1 st Law, Newton’s 2 nd Law C.Newton’s 1 st Law, Newton’s 2 nd Law, Newton’s 3 rd Law D.Newton’s 1 st Law, Newton’s 2 nd Law, Newton’s 3 rd Law, Newton’s Law of Gravity E.Newton’s 1 st Law, Newton’s 2 nd Law, Newton’s 3 rd Law, Newton’s Law of Gravity, The Conservation of Energy

16 Five Core Principles These core principles will be built upon throughout our mechanical engineering curriculum Newton’s 1 st Law Newton’s 2 nd Law Newton’s 3 rd Law Newton’s Law of Gravity The Conservation of Energy

17 Q4. Which one of the following is NOT a Lab Group role that you will be expected to perform this quarter? Select your Answer: A.Experiment Manager B.Lead Technologist C.Assistant Technologist D.Inventory Manager E.Scribe

18 Q4. Which one of the following is NOT a Lab Group role that you will be expected to perform this quarter? Select your Answer: A.Experiment Manager B.Lead Technologist C.Assistant Technologist D.Inventory Manager E.Scribe

19 Each person will have a unique role each week, assigned on a rotating basis. The Experiment Manager is expected to coordinate the team activities for the week. The manager is responsible for all communication between among the group members. The Lead Technologist is responsible for setting up the apparatus and operating the software during each lab trial. The technologist should assist each team member with their individual trial. The Assistant Technologist will operate the software during the Lead’s trial, and is responsible for covering the roles of any absent team member. The Scribe is responsible for submitting ONE lab report for the entire team to the myCourses DROPBOX.

20 Example Lab Topics 1.Sensor Calibration 2.Gravity Free Fall 3.Inclined Ramp w/friction 4.Two bodies kinematically constrained 5.Work and Energy – Curvilinear Motion 6.Impulse and Momentum – Impact and Collision 7.Hooke’s Law – Linear Elastic Materials 8.Simple Harmonic Motion – Mass Oscillation 9.Oscillatory Pendulum 10.Waves

21 Ball Drop Pendulum Mass on Spring Examples of Experimental Apparatus

22 Q5. “Conducting experiments in a controlled setting in order to better understand the core principles upon which the Mechanical Engineering curriculum is based” best describes which Core Concept? Select your Answer: A.Measurement B.Modeling C.Simulation D.Fabrication E.None of the Above

23 Q5. “Conducting experiments in a controlled setting in order to better understand the core principles upon which the Mechanical Engineering curriculum is based” best describes which Core Concept? Select your Answer: A.Measurement B.Modeling C.Simulation D.Fabrication E.None of the Above

24 We use the term “Modeling” to describe experiments that focus on understanding physical phenomena. We use the term “Measurement” to describe the process of acquiring data. We use the term “Simulation” to describe computer representations of the real world.

25 Week 1 Formulate Assume Chart Execute Test iterate Lecture Introduce the course Lab Acquire Voltage vs. Distance Data Studio Create a Calibration Curve Recitation Learn a formal problem solving method Lab Studio Recitation

26 Typical Weekly Assignments Read section week.1 of the textbook. Be prepared to respond to clicker questions each week in Lecture. Record notes in your logbook. Make sure you have REGISTERED your iClicker. Read section week.2 of the textbook prior to every LAB. Complete the on-line quiz in myCourses before lab. During LAB, record data and notes in your logbook. After LAB, upload your data files to myCourses as required. Read section week.3 of the textbook prior to every STUDIO. Complete the on-line assignment posted in myCourses before STUDIO. During STUDIO, record notes in your logbook. After STUDIO, upload your data files to myCourses as required. Read section week.4 of the textbook prior to every RECITATION. Solve all assigned Homework problems in your Logbook prior to Recitation.

27 Homework Attempt to solve all assigned chapter problems in your logbook before RECITATION. WEEK 1 Homework Problem Set from Section 1.5: 2, 12, 16, 26, 27, 31, 38 (Complete #38 with Excel), 42, 54, 60 Note that the Scribe must upload the LAB REPORT no later than MONDAY at 6:00pm of the week following the completion of the Lab Experiment.


29 Questions ???

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