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Purpose: To collect behavioral data about a student.

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2 Purpose: To collect behavioral data about a student

3 Type of data collected: 1)Is there a specific person(s) the behavior occurs more often with? 2)Is there a specific time(s) the behavior occurs? 3)Is there a specific activity or subject where the behavior occurs more often? 4)Is there a specific location/area where the behavior occurs?

4 1)Is there a specific person(s) the behavior occurs more often with? Adults Peers Male Female Large groups of people Individual work

5 2)Is there a specific time(s) the behavior occurs? Morning Afternoon Before or after lunch

6 3)Is there a specific activity or subject where the behavior occurs more often? English Math Recess PE Music

7 4) Is there a specific location/area where the behavior occurs? Classroom Hallway Outside Bus

8 1)The FBA needs to be Descriptive and Specific For Example: Johnny blurts out “I hate this class!” or “This sucks!” 4 or more times during the 30 minute morning math lesson. (Teacher documented observation.) Rather than Johnny is disrupting class

9 2)Needs to address the Duration and Intensity of the behavior Johnny refuses to comply with teacher requests, even when redirected. He yells at the teacher and continues to escalate his behavior- pacing and threatening to hurt her. “If you don’t shut up I’ll punch you in the mouth!”. This usually lasts 10-15 minutes.

10 3) Needs to identify the Frequency Again, this needs to be documented. Refusing to follow directions once a week is not as significant as refusing to follow directions 3-4 times a class period.

11 4) Needs to be supported by measurable data Observation Logs Behavioral Recording Charts Possibly Video or audio tapes

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