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This training does not replace your responsibility to read and follow all manuals.

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2 This training does not replace your responsibility to read and follow all manuals.

3 Test Versions: ElementaryMiddle April 20 5 th Math 8 th Math 7 th Pre-AP Math April 21 3 rd Math 4 th Math 6 th Math 7 th Math 8 th Social Studies April 22 3 rd Reading 4 th Reading 5 th Science 6 th Reading 7 th Reading 8 th Science April 23 Make Ups April 24 Make Ups Check In starting at 1:00 PM Make Ups Check In starting at 1:00 PM April 27 Check In starting at 8:30 AM STAAR, STAAR A, STAAR Spanish, STAAR L

4 ElementaryMiddle May 12 5 th Reading8 th Reading June 23 5 th Reading8 th Reading Re-testers STAAR, STAAR A, STAAR Spanish

5 STAAR A  Students who cannot access STAAR with or without accommodations  Students must be serviced through SPED or 504 with Dyslexia  Online assessment with embedded accommodations & accessibility tools  ARDC or 504 Committee decision STAAR The first consideration for ALL students with or without Type 1 or Type 2 accommodations

6 STAAR Spanish Any student in grades 3-5 for whom the Spanish version of STAAR appropriately measures their academic progress LPAC decision No linguistic accommodations Not available for students whose parent denies program services STAAR L Available for ELL students who: Are not most appropriately assessed with STAAR Spanish AND Have not attained Advanced High in TELPAS Reading (2-12) AND Have been enrolled is US schools for 3 years or less (5 years for asylee/refugee) LPAC decision Not available for students whose parent denies program services Linguistically accommodated online test Available for math, science & social studies

7  Each student is allowed four hours to complete the test  Time starts after the test administrator has read all of the directions and tells students: “…you may begin” or “You may now put on your headphones”  Test administrators must communicate orally or in writing the amount of time left to test (one hour intervals then smaller increments)  Students with Extended Time as an accommodation must start testing as soon as possible  Late students must test if there is enough time left in the school day  Breaks are allowed but the clock does not stop  Time stops only for: › Meals › Emergencies › Consolidation › Nurse breaks

8 The following test procedures and materials are NOT accommodations. They may be provided based on individual student need. It is not necessary to indicate the use of these on a student answer document.  Signing or translating test administration directions  Reading aloud or signing the writing prompt upon request  Provide reading assistance on 3 rd grade math  Minimize distractions  Small group or individual administrations  Remind students to stay on task  Scratch paper  Colored overlays  Blank place markers  Highlighters Page 13 Manual Page O-12 DCCM

9  Oversee training and the implementation of test administration process as stated in the manual  Attend trainings and sign oath  Ensure security and confidentiality of the tests and materials  Approve test administrators, logistics and ensure that the testing environment meets the following: › Testing rooms are quiet, well ventilated and comfortable. Students have enough room to work › A “Testing- Do Not Disturb” sign is posted outside each room › Bulletin boards and instructional displays are covered or removed from any location students may pass while testing › All desks used for testing are clear of books and other material not required for the test Monitors the test administrators Report any incident to the DTC

10  Read the Test Administrator Manual  Attend training conducted by your campus test coordinator  Receive secure testing materials from your campus test coordinator  Observe all rules regarding test security and confidential integrity of the state testing system  Read “Guide to the Test Administration Directions” prior to administering any state assessment  Administer the tests in strict compliance with the directions in the Test Administrator Manual  Supervise and actively monitor students during testing  Do not provide any unauthorized assistance to students during testing  Do not view the test, discuss the test, or score a student test either before, during, or after testing

11  Complete answer documents in accordance with the manual  Return all testing materials to the campus test coordinator (CTC) after students finish testing  Accurately and completely fill out all required documentation for testing  Assist the CTC for on-line administrations as needed  Report testing irregularities and security violations immediately to the CTC  Prepare statements for submission to CTC if you are involved in a testing irregularity or test security violation

12  Answers marked in the test booklet will not be scored. (must be on answer document or in the online system)  Students must be reminded periodically to record their responses on their answer documents. “Remember that you must record your responses on the answer document”  It is permissible to encourage students to stay on task  Only students are allowed to erase their stray marks or darken answer-choice circles. “Be sure to erase any stray marks that you might have accidentally made on your answer document”  A student who arrives after a test session has begun may be tested if sufficient time remains in the day. Also, the student may test only if he or she has not had the opportunity to interact with other students who have been administered the same test

13  Page 34  Test administrators may answer questions about test directions or procedures.  Test administrators are never allowed to answer any questions related to the content of the test itself.  They can say “I can’t answer that for you; just do the best you can”

14  Test administrators should quickly scan answer documents only to verify that responses are marked.  If a student has not done so, the TA must say “You have not recorded your responses on the answer document. Please go back and mark your answers on it now”  MAKE SURE THE NAME OF EACH STUDENT IS WRITTEN ON HIS OR HER TEST BOOKLET BEFORE YOU COLLECT IT.  Verify that no answer documents have been left in the test booklets

15  When Students are finished and get to the Section Review: › Have them raise their hand before submitting › TA should ensure the student is not submitting a blank test › If student has not completed the test questions, use the statement “You have not recorded your answers in the computer. Please go back and mark the answers on it now”. › Collect the student authorization form (return to the CTC) › Collect all scratch paper (return to the CTC)

16  Students should be kept together and closely monitored during lunch  Students must not be allowed to discuss the test during  Test materials should be collected and kept secure


18  Pick up your testing tubs from the testing room between 7:00 and 7:30. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR MANUAL TO PICK UP YOUR TESTS.  ALL TESTS MUST BE PICKED UP BY 7:30 SINCE YOU MUST BE IN YOUR HALLWAY AT 7:35.  You will count your tests and sign for them.  Tests must be kept secure. You can leave them in your rooms if they are in a hidden location with the door locked. DO NOT LEAVE THEM UNSECURED AT ANY TIME.

19  Breakfast will be served beginning at 7:00.  Small group students will be picked up at 8:00.  You must pass out everything together. You are NOT allowed to withhold answer documents until later. This is a state rule.  Testing needs to be started by 8:30.

20  If a child is absent, please put this information on the form provided.  This form should be taped to the door by 7:50.  A monitor or test coordinator will be around to pick up this form.

21  NO CELL PHONES OR TELECOMMUNICATION DEVICES ARE ALLOWED ON TESTING DAY FOR STUDENTS, TEACHERS, OR MONITORS.  3 rd grade only - All students will sign a Cell Phone Contract the day of the test. Contracts should be signed before students are picked up by small group test administrators.  4 th and 5 th grades – Students need to be reminded of the cell phone policy during testing.  If a student has any electronic device, it should be taken up before the test and placed in a plastic bag. It can be returned to the student at the end of the day.

22  Wear comfortable shoes!  Teachers must be actively monitoring 100% of the time.  Teachers should not be working on cleaning their rooms, grading papers, or surfing the net while the test is in progress.  All computers in testing rooms need to be turned off AFTER TAKING ATTENDANCE.

23  Have breaks as needed by your students. You are welcome to take whole classroom breaks, but only one student at a time will be allowed to enter the bathroom. You must monitor these students in the halls. All test and answer documents need to be collected and placed in your bin during every break.  STUDENTS SHOULD NOT HAVE WATER BOTTLES AT THEIR DESKS.

24  3rd Grade Math is allowed to read any word, phrase, or sentence of a test question or answer choice that the student in experiencing difficulty reading, only upon request of the student.  There can be no communication with the students that would invalidate the test. You CANNOT read ANYTHING from the reading test for the students. You are only allowed to read what is in the manual.

25  During the test, students may go one at a time to the restroom. The monitors in your pod will assist you with this process, as you cannot leave your classroom.  If you need to use the restroom, please put your “I need a break” sign on your door.  Only a certified teacher or a paraprofessional who routinely works with students can cover your class.  The monitor must sign in and sign out on the chart that is posted on the door.

26  As students complete the test, they must raise their hand for you to come pick it up, and the student must remain at their desk with their head down.  Students should not be up and walking around with their test.  There is NO talking, reading of books, using the computer, playing with papers, etc. allowed during the 4 hour time period even if your entire class has completed the test.  Remain in testing mode when students have completed the test.

27  Tubs need to be checked in to the Testing Office during lunch.  Teachers will not have to eat lunch with their students.  Students should be silent in the halls when walking to and from lunch.  Remind students that there cannot be any discussion of the test.  Personnel should not leave for lunch, as everyone has a location to monitor.  Please go over the procedures for the lunch expectations. Be sure to take your lunchtime because we need you to leave this area clean and on time.  After lunch, tubs will need to be picked up and signed out if they are not prepared for return..

28  Know which test all your students should take.  Know where all your students are testing.  All testing materials need to be turned in. Make sure you have placed all materials in your tubs to speed up the check in process.  Make sure you have emergency forms for all your students.  Make sure you have planned for students who need a Good Luck letter.

29  Test Administrators MUST read the Guide to the Test Administration Directions page 41  Test Administrators must read word for word all directions in bold following the word “SAY”  Be aware of the different sets of directions for the various types of administrations (Writing, Spanish, STAAR L, STAAR A, SOA)  Optional Directions for General Tools Available in TestNav for STAAR L, STAAR A and SOA can only be read if a s tudent DID NOT complete the tutorial (page 161 in 3-5 Manual and page 139 in 6-8 Manual)

30 Refer to TEA Dictionary Policy and the Linguistic Accommodations for ELLs  Students in 3-5 th grade must meet eligibility criteria

31  Calculators are required for the following STAAR assessments: grade 8 mathematics, Algebra I, and biology.  Calculators are not permitted for students taking the STAAR grades 3–7 mathematics assessments or the STAAR grades 5 and 8 science assessments unless the student meets the eligibility criteria for an accommodation. This includes STAAR Spanish, STAAR L, and STAAR A versions of these assessments. Information regarding calculators as an accommodation for students with disabilities can be found on the Accommodation Resources webpage.  Districts must ensure that each student has a calculation device with graphing capability to use when taking the STAAR grade 8 mathematics assessment (including STAAR L and STAAR A). Students must have a calculation device to use throughout the entire test (both paper and online versions).

32 Refer to the 2015 State Accommodations Triangle for allowable accommodations and eligibility (approved supplemental aids are on curriculum corner)


34 Linguistic Accommodations STAAR (English)STAAR LSTAAR A Math Science Social Studies Bilingual Dictionary Extra Time Bilingual Dictionary Extra Time Bilingual Dictionary Extra Time Clarification of word meaning in English Reading Writing Reading: Dictionaries of Various Types Extra Time Writing: Clarification in English of word meaning in writing prompts NA Dictionaries of Various Types Extra Time Clarification of word meaning in English English I & II Dictionaries of Various Types Extra Time Clarification in English of word meaning in short answer questions & writing prompts NA Extra Time Clarification of word meaning in English

35 When providing linguistic accommodations to students, test administrators may not provide any direct or indirect assistance or reinforcement that aids a student in identifying a correct response to the test question. Linguistic Accommodations

36 Allowable for all STAAR A subjects/courses Per student request only, the test administrator may clarify the meaning of eligible words and phrases. Test administrator may use simpler English, pictures, and/or gestures when clarifying meaning of eligible words or phrases Test administrator is not permitted to define, explain, or illustrate content terminology or concepts assessed Clarification is allowed on multiple-choice items in reading and writing. Clarification in English of Word Meaning Test Items

37 Allowable for all STAAR A subjects/courses Available for all students in online and paper versions of STAAR A Reading and Writing: Prereading text, revising selections, and reading and revising test questions and answer choices read aloud via computer-generated read aloud functionality Mathematics, Science and Social Studies: All questions and answer choices read aloud via computer-generated read aloud functionality Reminder: For grade 3 mathematics, standard test administration procedure allows all grade 3 students to receive reading (decoding) assistance on this assessment. Linguistic Accommodations in STAAR A

38 TEA Student Assessment Division 38

39 For STAAR L only Both clarification in English of word meaning and reading aloud of text are provided for all students in the online interface. TEA Student Assessment Division 39


41 Answer Documents will come precoded CAUTION: Students must work on the MATH portion of the answer document only You will only have score code, Test Taken Info and Accommodations marked for MATH ONLY

42 Fill in Test Taken Info with Form # For 3 rd, 4 th & 5 th grade you must indicate EN or SP Test booklet # must be filled out by student Check for correct score code A – Absent O – Other S – Score *- student did not test on the answer document for the subject. (only for 2 subject answer documents) Mark accommodations

43 Surveying the Time needed to complete the STAAR


45 Online tests are accessed in TestNav by using the URL address Students will use the student authorization forms to log in to the test Student Authorizations are secure documents and must be shredded Each student will need headphones Students must still adhere to the four hour time limit (unless they have the Extra Time assigned to them as an accommodation)

46 START TIME for class is after the directions have been read STOP TIME for class is the stop time of the last student Student’s Name and Booklet number should all be pre- loaded on the chart. One copy should be used as the material control form and kept with the check in/check out material Another copy can be used for attendance or use the Attendance roster

47 The following govern test security  Texas Education Code (TEC) Chapter 39, Subchapter B  Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 19 Subchapter 101, Assessment  Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)  Texas Penal Code 37.10 - Tampering General Security Information

48  Placement of restrictions on the issuance, renewal, or holding of a Texas educator certificate, either indefinitely or for a set term  Issuance of an inscribed or non-inscribed reprimand  Suspension of a Texas educator certificate for a set term  Revocation or cancellation of a Texas educator certificate without opportunity for reapplication for a set term or permanently  Release or disclosure of confidential test content is a Class C misdemeanor and could result in criminal prosecution under TEC ξ39.0303, Section 552.352 of the Texas Government Code, and Section 37.10 of the Texas Penal Code.

49  TEA requires that everyone be trained and sign a security oath before handling secure testing materials or participating in the administration of a state test  Paper test requires that the test administrator has signed the bottom box of the oath prior to testing

50  Account for all secure materials before, during, and after each test administration (including Student Authorizations)  Protect the contents of all tests booklets and student answer documents  No person may view, reveal, or discuss the contents of a test or answer document unless specifically instructed to do so by the procedures in the test administrator manuals and the bottom portion of the oath has been signed  No collaboration allowed during online calibration sets

51 Incidents resulting in a deviation from documented testing procedures are defined as testing irregularities Procedural ExamplesSerious Examples Improper accounting for secure materials Directly or indirectly assisting students with responses to test questions Eligibility ErrorTampering with student responses Monitoring ErrorViewing secure content IEP Implementation IssueDiscussing test content, student responses or student performance Procedural ErrorFormally or informally scoring student tests Duplicating or recording test content

52 Monitoring during test administrations is the responsibility of the test administrator, the campus test coordinator and administrators. What is NOT active monitoring? Anything that takes the test administrator’s attention away from the students during testing. Examples include: Working on the computer or checking email Reading a book, magazine, or newspaper Grading papers or working on lesson plans Leaving the room without a trained substitute test administrator in the room Leaving students unattended during meals or breaks

53 Reduce the risk of having an irregularity! Before the test administration:

54 Reduce the risk of having an irregularity! During test administration:

55 Reduce the risk of having an irregularity! After test administration No unauthorized viewing (only TEA may permit) No scoring of student responses Shred Student Authorization forms (ASAP) No discussion of confidential student information No erasing stray marks or darkening response ovals No copying of students answer documents Account for all test materials No opening answer documents to view answers

56 Pitfalls to Avoid: Assigning untrained staff to administer and/or monitor tests (must be certified personnel) Failing to inventory testing materials Having insufficient test booklets and/or test administrator manuals Not accounting for all test booklets and answer documents each day Teacher violates time limit Testing beyond the normal school day

57 Pitfalls to Avoid: Assigning a student the incorrect assessment or student authorization form Failing to give appropriate accommodation(s) Improper (or nonexistent) monitoring Leaving secure materials unattended (to include Student Authorizations and Writing Samples) Stopping an on-line session prior to removing absent students Failure to report a testing irregularity

58 If you become aware of any irregularities, contact the CTC immediately with the who, when, where, what and why. If the irregularity is deemed an incident the following documentation is required:  Incident report including a plan of action (Eduphoria form)  Signed statement(s) from individual(s) involved (typed, printed and signed name and dated)  Statements should not include names of student  The local disciplinary referral form used to report disciplinary actions taken against students for cheating, cell phone issues or disruptions


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