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Hannah Scherer Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education Rachel Seman-Varner Horticulture Strategies for Developing Systems Thinking.

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Presentation on theme: "Hannah Scherer Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education Rachel Seman-Varner Horticulture Strategies for Developing Systems Thinking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hannah Scherer Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education Rachel Seman-Varner Horticulture Strategies for Developing Systems Thinking

2 Session goals By the end of this workshop, you will: be able to explain how researchers approach complex systems have a collection of resources and strategies for teaching systems thinking

3 Exploring systems

4 Draw a diagram illustrating how a bathtub works

5 An interconnected set of elements that is coherently organized in a way that achieves something. - Donella Meadows What is a system?

6 An interconnected set of elements that is coherently organized in a way that achieves something. - Donella Meadows What is a system?

7 An interconnected set of elements that is coherently organized in a way that achieves something. - Donella Meadows What is a system?

8 An interconnected set of elements that is coherently organized in a way that achieves something. - Donella Meadows What is a system?

9 “Basic” systems thinking concepts Boundaries (open vs. closed systems) Multiple interacting parts/ spheres Perturbations can impact other parts of system Multiple causal factors can influence one outcome

10 “Trickier” systems thinking components Positive and negative feedback loops Exchange of matter or energy (flux) Reservoir Residence time Lag (delay) Tipping point/ limit (threshold)

11 “Advanced” systems thinking components Emergent properties Non-linear change Resilience Static vs. dynamic systems

12 Revisit your bathtub diagram Label/ draw: Boundaries (open vs. closed systems) Reinforcing and balancing feedback loops Exchange of matter or energy (flux) Reservoir What is the purpose of examining your system?

13 Teaching Systems Thinking On your own: Pick a system that is relevant to your teaching What is the purpose of including this system in my course? How does this system relate to my course material?

14 Systems Thinking Hierarchic Model Analysis Identification of components and process Synthesis Interactions Dynamic thinking Framework of relationships Problem solving Cyclic thinking Generalizations Temporal thinking Orion, N., & Libarkin, J. (2014). Earth System Science Education. In N. G. Lederman & S. K. Abell (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Science Education, Volume II (pp. 481-496). New York: Routledge.

15 Key considerations in planning Activities, assessments, projects, etc. Define learning goals related to both content and process (systems thinking) Consider how systems thinking is used in your (inter)disciplinary context Identify potential points of confusion and plan for how you will break them down Scaffold systems thinking concepts along with other concepts Incorporate use of systems language explicitly

16 Resources: a sampling Meadows, D. H. (2008). Thinking in Systems: A primer (D. Wright Ed.). White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing.

17 Resources: a sampling

18 Resources: a sampling


20 Unit 5: Predicting the effects of climate change on soil loss

21 Systems Thinking Module in Development Unit topics: Introduction to Systems Thinking – What is a System? Picturing Complexity Modeling a System Feedbacks in a System Analyzing Complexity Systems Thinking Synthesis Authors: Lisa Gilbert (Williams College), Deborah Gross (Carleton College), & Karl Kreutz (University of Maine)

22 What questions do you have?

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