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June 3, 2015 U.S. Department of Labor Launch of the Innovation & Opportunity Network: A Peer Learning Community focused on Implementing WIOA.

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Presentation on theme: "June 3, 2015 U.S. Department of Labor Launch of the Innovation & Opportunity Network: A Peer Learning Community focused on Implementing WIOA."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 3, 2015 U.S. Department of Labor Launch of the Innovation & Opportunity Network: A Peer Learning Community focused on Implementing WIOA

2 Moderator Senior Advisor Have a question or comment about WIOA? E-mail 2 Joseph Barela Employment and Training Administration U.S. Department of Labor

3 WEBINAR AGENDA 1.Watch Secretary Perez get Fired Up! 2.Explore the Roadmap to WIOA 3.Learn about the nnovation & pportunity etwork 4.Hear from Your Peers: Panel of Workforce Leaders discuss their WIOA Journey 5.Get the insider’s view on training and technical assistance! I O N

4 Regional Administrator U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration Senior Advisor | Moderator U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration Administrator Office of Workforce Investment, U.S. Department of Labor TODAY’S PRESENTERS Joseph Barela Amanda Ahlstrand Les Range

5 VISION OF WIOA 5 Hear from Secretary Thomas Perez at the National Association of Workforce Boards Conference in April

6 8 Administrator Presenter Amanda Ahlstrand Office of Workforce Investment U.S. Department of Labor Have a question or comment about WIOA? E-mail

7 VISION OF WIOA Vision of WIOA Federal Partners Share a Common Vision 7 In order to have strong State and regional economies, we know we must continuously revitalize and transform the workforce. ETA’s Innovation and Opportunity Network will aid in this transformation by providing support and technical assistance to all WIOA required and elective partners. We believe a focus on developing opportunities for those facing barriers to employment will help communities, regions, and States thrive. The WIOA Road Map to Transformational Change will enhance our nation’s global competitiveness, will ensure the foundation skills necessary for 21st century jobs, and will help us build the transformational power our systems need to go forward from here. Sue Swenson, Acting Assistant Secretary Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services U.S. Department of Education

8 VISION OF WIOA Skills Super Highway 7 Demand Driven Multiple Paths to Prosperity Take the Job Seekers where you find them Partnership at Scale-Implode Silos

9 WIOA IMPLEMENTATION Are you ready? Based on the Webinar on the Governance TEGL 27-14 76% of State participants indicated they would definitely and or were confident that they would have a WIOA-compliant State Board by July 1, 2015. 80% of Local Area participants indicated they would definitely and or were confident that they would have a WIOA-compliant State Board by July 1, 2015. 9 * Data obtained from participants in “Innovation and Opportunity to Act Now: WIOA Governance” Webinar on May 13, 2015. For a recording of the webinar go to

10 INNOVATION & OPPORTUNITY NETWORK (ION) INNOVATION: (n) the act or process of introducing new ideas, devices, or methods I OPPORTUNITY: (n) a good position, chance, or prospect, as for advancement or success O NETWORK: (n) an association of individuals having a common interest, formed to provide mutual assistance, helpful information, or the like N

11 Who is in the Network? The publicly-funded workforce system is a national network of state, regional, and local agencies and organizations that provide a range of employment, education, training, and related services to help jobseekers get the skills needed to obtain good jobs while providing businesses with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. 9

12 ION is all about BIG IDEAS: Change management Creating stronger partnerships and governing strategic boards Developing a regional mindset System Alignment Customer-centered service delivery Implementing talent development strategies such as Career Pathways, Registered Apprenticeship, and Sector Strategies 11 INNOVATION & OPPORTUNITY NETWORK (ION)


14 12 INNOVATION & OPPORTUNITY NETWORK (ION) Change begins with a clear understanding of the vision It is a process which includes a series of successes as well as significant challenges We can all benefit from sharing these experiences on the journey to advance the vision of WIOA ION is your peer learning and teaching community


16 VISION OF WIOA Vision of WIOA Federal Partners Share a Common Vision 7 We’re strongly encouraging human services programs to get actively involved in state and local planning around WIOA implementation. The law highlights new roles for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program and for Employment and Training Activities carried out under the Community Services Block Grant. In addition, the new emphasis on services to low income individuals and individuals with barriers to employment, and on services for out of school youth have important implications across human services programs. We hope that in the upcoming technical assistance activities, core and partner programs will join together to work and build stronger service networks. Mark Greenberg, Acting Assistant Secretary Administration for Children and Families U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

17 ION THEMES IN ACTION 14 Executive Director Tulare County Workforce Investment Board Director Colorado Workforce Development Council President CareerSource Northeast Florida Stephanie (Steffens) Veck Bruce Ferguson Adam Peck

18 15 Presenter Regional Administrator, Region 3 (Atlanta) Les Range Employment and Training Administration U.S. Department of Labor Have a question or comment about WIOA? E-mail

19 VISION OF WIOA Vision of WIOA Federal Partners Share a Common Vision 7 The State Vocational Rehabilitation Program administered by the Rehabilitation Services Administration has strongly supported the independence and growth of people with disabilities, especially in employment. ETA’s Innovation and Opportunity Network is an important support and resource, which will provide a path to meaningful careers in competitive integrated settings and economic self-sufficiency for people with disabilities. The VR program looks forward to working with the other core partners, elective partners, as well as businesses and the disability communities to transform the workforce system for a successful, inclusive society, economy and country. Janet LaBreck, Commissioner Rehabilitation Services Administration U.S. Department of Education

20 WIOA GUIDANCE 16 Released Guidance Related to WIOA: TEN 31-14TEN 31-14 -- Early Operating Guidance for Implementation of WIOA TEGL 19-14TEGL 19-14 -- Vision for the Workforce System and Initial Implementation of WIOA TEGL 23-14TEGL 23-14 -- WIOA Youth Program Transition TEGL 26-14TEGL 26-14 -- WIOA Transition Authority for Flexible Use of State Rapid Response Funds TEGL 27-14TEGL 27-14 -- WIOA Transition Authority for Immediate Implementation of Governance Provisions TEN 29-14, Change 1TEN 29-14, Change 1 -- Announcing the publication of WIOA Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRMs) in the Federal Register WIOA related Fact Sheets and FAQs are all available at Stay Tuned for Upcoming Guidance!

21 ION TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 16 Encourages Teams of State and Local Partners to: Take the Quick Start Action Planners (QSAPs) Assessment & Planning Tools Visit WIOA Collections Page – Soon to be The ION located on WorkForceGPS

22 ION TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 16 Encourages Teams of State and Local Partners to: Participate in the Act Now Virtual Learning Series “Partnerships in Action” Next! Watch Voices of Experience: Videos and podcasts of your peers discussing successes and challenges

23 ION TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 16 Encourages Teams of State and Local Partners to: Take advantage of upcoming activities, such as: Customer-Centered Service On-Line Course Virtual or In-Person Peer to Peer Convening’s Toolkits

24 ION TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 16 Watch Out for the Launch of the ION Community of Practice on June 15! Through the ION Community of Practice, you can:  Access and post WIOA resources  Participate on WIOA blogs  Take part in WIOA discussions  Learn about and post WIOA events Located at

25 VISION OF WIOA Vision of WIOA Federal Partners Share a Common Vision 7 The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act increases access to employment, education, training, and support services for individuals, particularly those with barriers to employment, to the services they need to succeed in the labor market. In continuing and strengthening these efforts, the Act specifically creates opportunities to better serve low-income and underprepared youth and adults, and individuals with disabilities, by prioritizing services for populations with significant barriers to employment. We recognize that implementing the provisions under WIOA will be a challenge, but we are pleased to see the level of excitement and commitment at the State and local levels to achieve the goal of a modernized and coordinated system that offers a set of comprehensive services to support the needs of individuals with barriers to economic success. The launch of a cohesive technical assistance framework is our recognition of the hard work you are doing and is intended to provide States and local agencies with the support and resources needed to help the tens of millions of job seekers and workers acquire the skills and credentials needed to access good jobs making family-sustaining wages. Johan Uvin, Acting Assistant Secretary Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education U.S. Department of Education

26 ION TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE REMINDER: Access existing technical assistance at: 18 Thank you for participating in today’s webinar! INCLUDING: Quick Start Action Planners WIOA Action Plan Template Variety of Resources by Topical Area Voices of Experience

27 QUESTIONS/COMMENTS Have a question about ION? Note: At this time we will not be providing answers to questions that are directed to the content of the NPRM. 19

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